[kaffe] failed regressions on Solaris

Riccardo zuse at libero.it
Fri Sep 17 04:06:46 PDT 2004


I tried today building on solaris 2.6, sparc v9. Using kjc, pthreads, 
standard gc. After the patch from Noa revised by guilhem. More failures 
are there than usual and the old friends didn't disappear, sad sad.

6 of 144 tests failed

CLTestConc.fail            TestUnlock.fail
NetworkInterfaceTest.fail  ThreadState.fail
Preempt.fail               WaitTest.fail

a cat fail reveals:

Timeout - 300 seconds - killed
kaffe.util.NotImplemented: OS doesn't support getifaddrs()
   at java.net.NetworkInterface.getRealNetworkInterfaces (
   at java.net.NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces (NetworkInterface.
   at NetworkInterfaceTest.main (NetworkInterfaceTest.java:23)
Timeout - 300 seconds - killed
started 5 threads
thread 0
thread 4
Time out.  Failure.
Time out.  Failure.
Timeout - 300 seconds - killed

more specifically
> cat Preempt.fail 
Timeout - 300 seconds - killed
started 5 threads
thread 0
thread 4


> cat WaitTest.fail 
Timeout - 300 seconds - killed


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