<P>I am trying to connect Oracle 8i database using Kaffe on OpenBSD 3.2 operating system.My Kaffe version is 1.0.6.I am using jdbc thin Driver for database connection (classes111.zip from oracle).</P>
<P>I am using following code for testing :</P>
<P>import java.sql.*;<BR>import javax.sql.*;</P>
<P>public class ConnectDBOracle {</P>
<P> Connection conn;<BR> Statement st;<BR> ResultSet rs;<BR> public void connect(){<BR> try{<BR> <BR> Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");<BR> conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","scott","tiger");<BR> System.out.println("connected"); <BR> st = conn.createStatement();<BR> rs = st.executeQuery("select * from emp");<BR> System.out.println("rs created....");</P>
<P> while(rs.next()) { <BR> System.out.println("in while looooop");</P>
<P> System.out.println(rs.getString(1));<BR> }<BR>System.out.println("okayyyyyyyyyy"); <BR> st.close();<BR> conn.close();</P>
<P> }catch(Exception e){<BR> System.out.println("Error : " +e);<BR> }<BR> }</P>
<P> public static void main(String ares[]){</P>
<P> ConnectDBOracle db = new ConnectDBOracle();<BR> db.connect();<BR> }<BR>}</P>
<P>When I run the following code ...</P>
<P>I get the following error message ...</P>
<P>java.lang.ExceptionInInitializer Error : [exception was kaffe.util.SupportDisabled</P>
<P>: GNU gmp was not found by kaffe configure Script]</P>
<P>at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.getStringValue(OracleStatement.java : line unknown , pc 0x60f2d6)</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Can any body guide me what should I need to do to make this code work or any other way to connect Oracle using Kaffe on OpenBSD 3.2</P>
<P>Thanks and Regards</P>
<P>Swapnil Joshi</P>
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