Benchmarking Kaffe using Ashes ============================== Author: Dalibor Topic Introduction ============ Q: What is Ashes ? A: Ashes is a freely redistributable collection of Java benchmarks and shell scripts. Q: Where can I get it ? A: Ashes is available for download at: Installation ============ You'll need to download ashesBase-21Mar2000.tar.gz and ashesSuiteCollection.tar.gz and unpack them in a directory. Then you need to set a few environment variables. How you set environment variables depends on your shell. It's export VAR=value in bash. Use absolute paths because some Ashes scripts will fail when you use relative paths. ASHES_SUITE_COLLECTION=/absolute-path-to/ashesSuiteCollection CLASSPATH=/absolute-path-to/ashesBase/classes/ ASHES_JDK_CLASSES=/abolute-path-to-installed/kaffe/jre/rt ASHES_PDS=: PATH=$PATH:/absolute-path-to/ashesBase/bin Read the file index.html in the ashesBase directory for more information on installing and using Ashes. Benchmarking ============ Before you start, you need to make sure that the java command actually invokes kaffe on your system. If it doesn't, set PATH=/absolute-path-to-installed/kaffe/bin:$PATH You need to copy a benchmark from the Ashes suite collection to the current directory first. I'll use achesEasyTestSuite in this example. Look into ashesSuiteCollection/suites for more test suites. refreshSuite ashesEasyTestSuite You should have an ashesEasyTestSuite directory in your current directory now. applyCmdOnSuite executeBenchmark ashesEasyTestSuite runs each benchmark exactly once. You can check if your checkout works that way. You should not get any *** Warning: Benchmark ran incorrectly! *** messages. If you do, please make sure that java invokes kaffe. java -fullversion will give you information on kaffe. Now that you've got the benchmark set up, you can do some real benchmarking. timeBenchmark runs a benchmark ten times and prints the results. applyCmdOnSuite timeBenchmark ashesEasyTestSuite > results.txt