[kaffe] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.help me,thanks!

qf tian qiftian at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 01:38:07 PDT 2008

I ported the kaffe 1.1.8 to the mpc5121e(a powerpc platform) of
freescale with Qtopia 2.2.2.i am also a newbie.

if i compile  the kaffe without the specified
option---"--with-engine=intrp",the configure will use the default
"--with-engine=jit3".then,has the following info.when i run a small
hello app,it always got errors.could you tell me why?

[root at localhost nfs]# java -fullversion
java full version "kaffe-1.4.2"

kaffe VM "1.1.9"

Copyright (c) 1996-2008 Kaffe.org project contributors (please see
  the source code for a full list of contributors).  All rights reserved.
Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.

The Kaffe virtual machine is free software, licensed under the terms of
the GNU General Public License.  Kaffe.org is a an independent, free software
community project, not directly affiliated with Transvirtual Technologies,
Inc.  Kaffe is a Trademark of Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.  Kaffe comes

Engine: Just-in-time v3   Version: 1.1.9   Java Version: 1.4
Heap defaults: minimum size: 5 MB, maximum size: unlimited
Stack default size: 256 KB
Configuration/Compilation options:
)  Compile date     : 2008年 09月 01日 星期一 09:22:12 CST
  Compile host     : localhost.localdomain
  Install prefix   : /usr/local/kaffe
  Thread system    : unix-pthreads
  Garbage Collector: kaffe-gc
  CC               : gcc -std=gnu99
  CFLAGS           : -Wall -W -Wextra -fno-strict-aliasing
-fno-omit-frame-pointer -pthread-g -O2
  LDFLAGS          :
  ChangeLog head   : 2008-02-22  Dalibor Topic  <robilad at kaffe.org>

-sh-2.05b# java WidgetsDemo
Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.

however,when i compile kaffe with the option"--with-engine=intrp",it
works&gets the following info.

-sh-2.05b# java -fullversion
java full version "kaffe-1.4.2"

kaffe VM "1.1.9"

Copyright (c) 1996-2008 Kaffe.org project contributors (please see
  the source code for a full list of contributors).  All rights reserved.
Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.

The Kaffe virtual machine is free software, licensed under the terms of
the GNU General Public License.  Kaffe.org is a an independent, free software
community project, not directly affiliated with Transvirtual Technologies,
Inc.  Kaffe is a Trademark of Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.  Kaffe comes

Engine: Interpreter   Version: 1.1.9   Java Version: 1.4
Heap defaults: minimum size: 5 MB, maximum size: unlimited
Stack default size: 512 KB
Configuration/Compilation options:
)  Compile date     : 2008��年 09��月 17��日 ��星��期��三 09:41:27 CST
  Compile host     : localhost.localdomain
  Install prefix   : /home/qftian/nfs
  Thread system    : unix-pthreads
  Garbage Collector: kaffe-gc
  CC               : powerpc-e300c3-linux-gnu-gcc -std=gnu99
  CFLAGS           : -Wall -W -Wextra -fno-strict-aliasing
-fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsigned-char -pthread-g -O2
  LDFLAGS          :
  ChangeLog head   : 2008-02-22  Dalibor Topic  <robilad at kaffe.org>
-sh-2.05b# java -h
usage: kaffe [-options] class
Options are:
        -help                    Print this message
        -version                 Print version number
        -fullversion             Print verbose version info
        -ss <size>               Maximum native stack size
        -mx <size>               Maximum heap size
        -ms <size>               Initial heap size
        -as <size>               Heap increment
        -classpath <path>        Set classpath
        -Xbootclasspath:<path>   Set bootclasspath
        -Xbootclasspath/a:<path> Append path to bootclasspath
        -Xbootclasspath/p:<path> Prepend path to bootclasspath
        -D<property>=<value>     Set a property
        -verify *                Verify all bytecode
        -verifyremote *          Verify bytecode loaded from network
        -noverify                Do not verify any bytecode
        -noclassgc               Disable class garbage collection
        -verbosegc               Print message during garbage collection
        -v, -verbose             Be verbose
        -verbosejit              Print message during JIT code generation
        -verbosemem              Print detailed memory allocation statistics
        -verbosecall             Print detailed call flow information
        -nodeadlock              Disable deadlock detection
        -debug *                 Trace method calls
        -noasyncgc *             Do not garbage collect asynchronously
        -cs, -checksource *      Check source against class files
        -oss <size> *            Maximum java stack size
        -jar                     Executable is a JAR
        -vmdebug <flag{,flag}>   Internal VM debugging.  Set flag=list
for a list
        -debug-fd <descriptor>   Descriptor to send debug info to
        -Xkaffe-qt-awt           Use Kaffe's Qt2/3/Embedded AWT backend
  * Option currently ignored.

Compatibility options:
        -Xss <size>              Maximum native stack size
        -Xmx <size>              Maximum heap size
        -Xms <size>              Initial heap size
        -cp <path>               Set classpath

a hello application based on console can run on the
kaffe.however,kaffe-bin occupy too much CPU resources(up to 85.7%),I
do not konw why?could you tell me?thanks.

-sh-2.05b# ls
hello.class  hello.java   logfile
-sh-2.05b# java hello&
Mem: 30308K used, 154164K free, 0K shrd, 0K buff, 17848K cached
Load average: 0.47, 0.24, 0.09    (State: S=sleeping R=running, W=waiting)

 1630 root     R       4644  1616 85.7  2.5 kaffe-bin
 1632 root     R        936  1616  8.5  0.5 top
 1614 root     S       9496     1  0.0  5.1 qpe
 1616 root     S       1388     1  0.0  0.7 sh
    1 root     S        820     0  0.0  0.4 init
 1608 root     S        656     1  0.0  0.3 inetd
  859 root     S <      504     1  0.0  0.2 udevd
 1587 root     S        492     1  0.0  0.2 syslogd
 1589 root     S        472     1  0.0  0.2 klogd
  847 root     SW<        0     2  0.0  0.0 rpciod/0
    6 root     SW<        0     2  0.0  0.0 khelper
    5 root     SW<        0     2  0.0  0.0 events/0
    2 root     SW<        0     0  0.0  0.0 kthreadd
    3 root     SW<        0     2  0.0  0.0 ksoftirqd/0
    4 root     SW<        0     2  0.0  0.0 watchdog/0
   83 root     SW<        0     2  0.0  0.0 kblockd/0
   93 root     SW<        0     2  0.0  0.0 ksuspend_usbd
   98 root     SW<        0     2  0.0  0.0 khubd
  101 root     SW<        0     2  0.0  0.0 kseriod
  123 root     SW         0     2  0.0  0.0 pdflush

-sh-2.05b# Hello linux ppc java                      (output form hello)

moreover,when i run a test app,such as Widgetdemo or others,I always
got the following exceptions.could you give me a solution.thanks in

-sh-2.05b# java -jar -Xkaffe-qt-awt gpsylon-0.5.3.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.dinopolis.gpstool.Gpsylon not
found in java.lang.ClassLoader$1{urls=[file:/home/qftian/app/gpsylon_bin-0.5.3/-Xkaffe-qt-awt,file:/home/qftian/app/gpsylon_bin-0.5.3/./,file:/home/qftian/nfs/jre/lib/rt.jar,file:/}
   at java.lang.VMClass.forName(VMClass.java)
   at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:233)
   at org.kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(ExecJarName.java:52)
   at org.kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main(ExecJar.java:57)



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