[kaffe] Kaffe 1.1.7 Make Check Fails on Fedora Core 5

Kelvin Xu kyoxu at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 2 01:36:41 PST 2007


I managed to install Kaffe 1.1.7 successfully without errors . However, when 
i do a make check it fails. There seems to be problem with the classpath.

Do i have to set the classpath manually?

@83:    i2f
@84:    fload 2
@85:    fmul
@86:    f2i
@87:    putfield 75
@90:    return
2d8:    pushl ebx
2dd:    pushl #137139188
2e2:    call ?
2e8:    addl 8,esp
2ee:    movl eax,28(esi)
2f4:    fld 16(ebp)
2f6:    movl esi,eax
2fc:    addl #24,eax
2fe:    fstp (eax)
304:    movl ebx,-16(ebp)
30a:    movl ebx,12(ebp)
310:    fild -16(ebp)
316:    fstp -16(ebp)
31c:    fld 16(ebp)
322:    fmul -16(ebp)
328:    fstp -16(ebp)
32e:    movl -16(ebp),eax
32f:    pushl eax
334:    call ?
33a:    addl 4,esp
340:    movl eax,20(esi)
345:    jmpl L28
346:    popl ebx
346:    popl esi
346:    popl edi
346:    movl ebp,esp
346:    popl ebp
347:    ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating java/util/HashMap.<init>(IF)V (normal) 0x82d7028
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x82d7028
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x82b4e1c, where 0x82b4e30, native code 
callinfo = 0xbfea4a8c
Method: java/util/AbstractMap.<init>()V
L0:  1
@0:     aload 0
@1:     invokespecial 136
@4:     return
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
18:     movl 12(ebp),eax
1a:     cmpl esp,eax
20:     jugt +5
25:     call soft_stackoverflow
2b:     movl ebx,-4(ebp)
31:     cmpl #0,ebx
37:     jne L2
3c:     call ?
41:     jmpl L4
42:     popl ebx
42:     popl esi
42:     popl edi
42:     movl ebp,esp
42:     popl ebp
43:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating java/util/AbstractMap.<init>()V (normal) 0x82cd8b8
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x82cd8b8
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     pushl 8(ebp)
17:     call ?
1d:     addl 4,esp
23:     popl ebx
23:     popl esi
23:     popl edi
23:     movl ebp,esp
23:     popl ebp
24:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x82d2260
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x82aea20, where 0x82aea34, native code 
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     pushl 24(ebp)
18:     pushl 20(ebp)
1e:     pushl 16(ebp)
24:     pushl 12(ebp)
2a:     pushl 8(ebp)
2f:     call ?
35:     addl 20,esp
3a:     jmpl L2
3b:     popl ebx
3b:     popl esi
3b:     popl edi
3b:     movl ebp,esp
3b:     popl ebp
3c:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x82d0190
Success 00000003
class: Exceptions
  field: test__boolean_exception = 0x00000001
callinfo = 0xbfea5004
Method: Exceptions.boolean_exception()Z
L0:  2 L1:  1
@0:     iconst 0
@1:     istore 0
@2:     new 22
@5:     dup
@6:     invokespecial 26
@9:     athrow
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 8(ebp),eax
14:     cmpl esp,eax
1a:     jugt +5
1f:     call soft_stackoverflow
21:     xorl ebx,ebx
27:     movl ebx,-4(ebp)
2c:     pushl #136716916
31:     call ?
37:     addl 4,esp
3d:     movl eax,-16(ebp)
43:     movl eax,-12(ebp)
49:     cmpl #0,eax
4f:     jne L3
54:     call ?
5a:     pushl 8(ebp)
60:     pushl -12(ebp)
66:     movl esi,-8(ebp)
6c:     movl ebx,-4(ebp)
72:     call *825a4f0
78:     addl 8,esp
7e:     pushl -16(ebp)
83:     call ?
89:     addl 4,esp
@10:    astore 1
@11:    iconst 1
@12:    istore 0
@13:    iload 0
@14:    ireturn
99:     movl ebp,ecx
99:     subl #?,ecx
99:     subl #3*SLOTSIZE,ecx
99:     movl ecx,esp
9f:     movl -8(ebp),esi
a5:     movl -4(ebp),ebx
aa:     movl #1,eax
af:     jmpl L7
b0:     popl ebx
b0:     popl esi
b0:     popl edi
b0:     movl ebp,esp
b0:     popl ebp
b1:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating Exceptions.boolean_exception()Z (static) 0x825f900
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x825a4dc, where 0x825a4f0, native code 
callinfo = 0xbfea4ec0
Method: java/lang/Throwable.<init>()V
L0:  1
@0:     aload 0
@1:     aconst 0
@2:     invokespecial 158
@5:     return
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
18:     movl 12(ebp),eax
1a:     cmpl esp,eax
20:     jugt +5
25:     call soft_stackoverflow
27:     xorl ecx,ecx
2d:     movl ebx,-8(ebp)
33:     movl ecx,-4(ebp)
39:     cmpl #0,ebx
3f:     jne L2
44:     call ?
4a:     pushl 12(ebp)
50:     pushl -4(ebp)
56:     pushl -8(ebp)
5c:     call *825a548
62:     addl 12,esp
67:     jmpl L4
68:     popl ebx
68:     popl esi
68:     popl edi
68:     movl ebp,esp
68:     popl ebp
69:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating java/lang/Throwable.<init>()V (normal) 0x82c8eb0
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x82c8eb0
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x825a534, where 0x825a548, native code 
callinfo = 0xbfea4e98
Method: java/lang/Throwable.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
L0:  1 L1:  1
@0:     aload 0
@1:     invokespecial 159
@4:     aload 0
@5:     invokespecial 161
@8:     aload 0
@9:     invokevirtual 163
@12:    pop
@13:    aload 0
@14:    aload 1
@15:    putfield 25
@18:    return
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 12(ebp),esi
18:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
1e:     movl 16(ebp),eax
20:     cmpl esp,eax
26:     jugt +5
2b:     call soft_stackoverflow
31:     movl ebx,-8(ebp)
37:     cmpl #0,ebx
3d:     jne L2
42:     call ?
48:     movl ebx,-8(ebp)
4e:     cmpl #0,ebx
54:     jne L4
59:     call ?
5f:     pushl 16(ebp)
65:     pushl -8(ebp)
6b:     call *825a498
71:     addl 8,esp
73:     movl (ebx),eax
79:     movl 56(eax),eax
7f:     pushl 16(ebp)
80:     pushl ebx
82:     call eax
88:     addl 8,esp
8e:     movl esi,12(ebx)
93:     jmpl L6
94:     popl ebx
94:     popl esi
94:     popl edi
94:     movl ebp,esp
94:     popl ebp
95:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating java/lang/Throwable.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V (normal) 
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x82c97c8
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x825a484, where 0x825a498, native code 
callinfo = 0xbfea4e70
Method: java/lang/Throwable.this()V
L0:  1
@0:     aload 0
@1:     aload 0
@2:     putfield 32
@5:     return
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
18:     movl 12(ebp),eax
1a:     cmpl esp,eax
20:     jugt +5
25:     call soft_stackoverflow
2b:     movl ebx,16(ebx)
30:     jmpl L2
31:     popl ebx
31:     popl esi
31:     popl edi
31:     movl ebp,esp
31:     popl ebp
32:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating java/lang/Throwable.this()V (normal) 0x82d0250
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x82d0250
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x825a37c, where 0x825bcd4, native code 
callinfo = 0xbfea4e70
Method: java/lang/Throwable.fillInStackTrace()Ljava/lang/Throwable;
L0:  1
@0:     aload 0
@1:     aload 0
@2:     invokestatic 139
@5:     putfield 141
@8:     aload 0
@9:     aconst 0
@10:    putfield 143
@13:    aload 0
@14:    areturn
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
18:     movl 12(ebp),eax
1a:     cmpl esp,eax
20:     jugt +5
25:     call soft_stackoverflow
26:     pushl eax
27:     pushl ebx
2d:     call *82b8dbc
33:     addl 8,esp
39:     movl eax,24(ebx)
3b:     xorl eax,eax
41:     movl eax,20(ebx)
43:     movl ebx,eax
48:     jmpl L2
49:     popl ebx
49:     popl esi
49:     popl edi
49:     movl ebp,esp
49:     popl ebp
4a:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating java/lang/Throwable.fillInStackTrace()Ljava/lang/Throwable; 
(normal) 0x82cda78
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x82cda78
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x82b8da8, where 0x82b8dbc, native code 
callinfo = 0xbfea4e4c
L0:  1 L1:  1
@0:     new 2
@3:     dup
@4:     invokespecial 14
@7:     astore 1
@8:     aload 1
@9:     invokespecial 16
@12:    aload 1
@13:    areturn
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
18:     movl 12(ebp),eax
1a:     cmpl esp,eax
20:     jugt +5
25:     call soft_stackoverflow
2a:     pushl #137140340
2f:     call ?
35:     addl 4,esp
3b:     movl eax,-12(ebp)
41:     movl eax,-8(ebp)
47:     cmpl #0,eax
4d:     jne L3
52:     call ?
58:     pushl 12(ebp)
5e:     pushl -8(ebp)
64:     call *82b8ec4
6a:     addl 8,esp
70:     movl -12(ebp),eax
72:     movl eax,esi
78:     movl esi,-12(ebp)
7e:     cmpl #0,esi
84:     jne L5
89:     call ?
8f:     pushl 12(ebp)
95:     pushl -12(ebp)
9b:     call *82b8e14
a1:     addl 8,esp
a3:     movl esi,eax
a8:     jmpl L7
a9:     popl ebx
a9:     popl esi
a9:     popl edi
a9:     movl ebp,esp
a9:     popl ebp
aa:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
(static) 0x82b5120
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x82b5120
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x82b8eb0, where 0x82b8ec4, native code 
callinfo = 0xbfea4e24
Method: java/lang/VMThrowable.<init>()V
L0:  1
@0:     aload 0
@1:     invokespecial 19
@4:     return
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
18:     movl 12(ebp),eax
1a:     cmpl esp,eax
20:     jugt +5
25:     call soft_stackoverflow
2b:     movl ebx,-4(ebp)
31:     cmpl #0,ebx
37:     jne L2
3c:     call ?
41:     jmpl L4
42:     popl ebx
42:     popl esi
42:     popl edi
42:     movl ebp,esp
42:     popl ebp
43:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating java/lang/VMThrowable.<init>()V (normal) 0x82cdae8
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x82cdae8
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x82b8e00, where 0x82b8e14, native code 
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     pushl 8(ebp)
17:     call ?
1d:     addl 4,esp
22:     jmpl L2
23:     popl ebx
23:     popl esi
23:     popl edi
23:     movl ebp,esp
23:     popl ebp
24:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x82d2120
Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.
/bin/sh: line 1: 30574 Aborted                 env 
TEST_CLASSES="ConstMethods.class ConstMathMethods.class 
ParameterizedMethods.class ParameterizedMathMethods.class 
ParameterizedLogicalMethods.class ParameterizedBitwiseMethods.class 
ControlFlowMethods.class StaticMethodCall.class TypeConversion.class 
StaticFields.class PrimitiveArrays.class ObjectFields.class 
MethodOptimizations.class NativeMethodCall.class Exceptions.class 
VirtualMethod.class" `. ../../BUILD_ENVIRONMENT; 
\(.*\)/echo \1=$\1/' < ../../BUILD_ENVIRONMENT | sh` ${dir}$tst
FAIL: jitBasic
1 of 1 tests failed
Please report to kaffe at kaffe.org
make[5]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
make[5]: Leaving directory 
make[4]: *** [check-am] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory 
make[3]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/EmbeddedLinux/rfs/home/kaffe-1.1.7/test'
make[2]: *** [check-local] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/EmbeddedLinux/rfs/home/kaffe-1.1.7'
make[1]: *** [check-am] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/EmbeddedLinux/rfs/home/kaffe-1.1.7'
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1


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