[kaffe] build failing version 1.1.7

Laura Rodriguez lrodrigu at irisa.fr
Fri Sep 22 01:26:51 PDT 2006

Hello. I found an error when trying to compile the sources on my 
computer. .My os is: Linux version (Open Suse 10.1) .
The ./configure ends with no errors, but when i execute make i get the 

(before everything works fine...)

make[3]: Entering directory
mkdir -p ../java/util
../scripts/generate-locale-list.sh > ../java/util/LocaleData.java
top_builddir=.. top_srcdir=.. /bin/sh ./gen-classlist.sh standard
Adding java source files from srcdir '..'.
Adding java source files from VM directory
/usr/bin/jikes +Pno-switchcheck +Pno-shadow +F -encoding UTF-8 
-bootclasspath '' -extdirs '' -sourcepath '' --classpath 
-d . @classes
touch compile-classes
if ! [ -e gnu ]; then mkdir gnu; fi
if ! [ -e gnu/java ]; then mkdir gnu/java; fi
if ! [ -e gnu/java/locale ]; then mkdir gnu/java/locale; fi
if ! [ -e gnu/javax/swing/plaf/gtk/icons ]; then mkdir -p
gnu/javax/swing/plaf/gtk/icons; fi








touch resources
if test "" != ""; then  -r -D glibj.zip gnu java javax org META-INF > 
/dev/null; fi
if test "/usr/bin/fastjar" != ""; then /usr/bin/fastjar cf glibj.zip gnu 
java javax org META-INF; fi
javax: No such file or directory
Error adding javax to jar archive!
make[3]: *** [glibj.zip] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/maria/kaffe-1.1.7/libraries/javalib'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

I'm new at this kind of java stuff so i really have no idea how to solve 
this... Is there someone that tries to compile it and have the same 
problem? Some ideas? Any help is welcome.
Thanks in advance.

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