[kaffe] Re: Jato

Philippe Laporte philippe.laporte at gatespacetelematics.com
Mon Mar 13 06:49:25 PST 2006

 From kaffe.org

"JIT4 (implemented in Transvirtual's version of Kaffe)

Mike Chen has put online the paper he presented at the JVM 2002 
conference <http://www.usenix.org/events/jvm02/> entitled "Targeting 
Dynamic Compilation for Embedded Systems" 
<http://www-hydra.stanford.edu/publications.shtml>, which is a new JIT 
which he implemented on Transvirtual's internal version of Kaffe (which 
was released under the GPL as part of PocketLinux). It's definitely 
worth a read, especially if you are into compilers. I'd love to see 
"jit4" integrated into a future release of Kaffe."

This is available at least in the following package:


Philippe Laporte

Gatespace Telematics
Första Långgatan 18
41328 Göteborg
Phone: +46 702 04 35 11
Fax:   +46 31 24 16 50
Email: philippe.laporte at gatespacetelematics.com

Pekka J Enberg wrote:

>On Mon, 13 Mar 2006, Philippe Laporte wrote:
>>-have you taken a look at JIT4 from Kaffe?
>No I haven't. Is the source code public?
>On Mon, 13 Mar 2006, Philippe Laporte wrote:
>>-One project would be to trim down gcj so it can be used in embedded systems
>>as an install-time aot for byte-code only
>Hmm, perhaps, but I am not working on embedded systems :-).
>				Pekka

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