[kaffe] Re: NSAPI/ OJI/ Applet plugin

Fernando Lozano fernando at lozano.eti.br
Thu Mar 9 06:09:09 PST 2006

Hi Philippe,

Although home users don't see applets in every page anymore (this kind
of applet usage decined in favour of Flash) they tend to find them in
important applications like home-banking (virtual keyboards to prevento
keyboard monitors to steal the bank account password). Enterpise users
tend to see even more use of applets, embeded in network administration
software (like JBoss JMX WebConsole). So I think support for running
applets is a must to have more people using FOSS Java VMs.

[]s, Fernando Lozano

> Hej,
>      Come to think of it, how much do people use applets nowadays
> anyways?
> Is the enterprise environment any different? Lots of Swing applets?
> There is a good chance that I will interested in dedicating 2-4
> man-weeks on this.
> Best Regards,
> Philippe Laporte

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