[kaffe] Native library libnull.so

Gianluca Moro giangiammy at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 20 02:10:06 PDT 2005

> The idea is to check a proprty that tells Kaffe which native library
> to 
> load for the native implementation of the AWT code. In your case, I 
> guess, you'd need to add -Dkaffe.awt.nativelib=xawt (assuming that's 
> what you compiled against) to your command line invocation. You
> should 
> also get the same result by just using
> kaffe -Xkaffe-xlib-awt HelloWorld

Thank you very much: I got it
The problem was tht the xawt library was not compiled
as in the libraries/clib/awt/Makefile the line
was commented (I thought that, with the --with-x option
in the configure I should have it compiled)
Anyway I uncommented and made make again.
The -D option get the correct library (while if I use
the -Xkaffe-xlib-awt options I get an
Error: Unrecognized JVM specific option `-Xkaffe-xlib-awt'.

Now kaffe starts correctly (I have another problem,
I descrive in the next mail :-(

thanks again

Gianluca Moro          http://groups.yahoo.com/group/embeddeditalia/
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