[kaffe] CVS kaffe (inaba): Fix build fail for '--with-threads=unix-jthreads'.

Kaffe CVS cvs-commits at kaffe.org
Mon May 9 17:13:12 PDT 2005

PatchSet 6455 
Date: 2005/05/10 00:08:14
Author: inaba
Branch: HEAD
Tag: (none) 
Fix build fail for '--with-threads=unix-jthreads'.


Index: kaffe/ChangeLog
diff -u kaffe/ChangeLog:1.3982 kaffe/ChangeLog:1.3983
--- kaffe/ChangeLog:1.3982	Mon May  9 23:46:05 2005
+++ kaffe/ChangeLog	Tue May 10 00:08:14 2005
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 2005-05-10  Kiyo Inaba <inaba at src.ricoh.co.jp>
+	* kaffe/kaffevm/systems/unix-jthreads:
+	Fix build fail for '--with-threads=unix-jthreads'.
+2005-05-10  Kiyo Inaba <inaba at src.ricoh.co.jp>
 	* config/m68k/jit-m68k.def:
 	Fix bug for optimization.
Checking out kaffe/kaffe/kaffevm/systems/unix-jthreads/jthread.h
RCS:  /home/cvs/kaffe/kaffe/kaffe/kaffevm/systems/unix-jthreads/jthread.h,v
VERS: 1.69
--- /dev/null	Sun Aug  4 19:57:58 2002
+++ kaffe/kaffe/kaffevm/systems/unix-jthreads/jthread.h	Tue May 10 00:13:12 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+ * jthread.h
+ *
+ * Thread support using internal system.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998
+ *      Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+ * of this file.
+ *
+ * Written by Godmar Back <gback at cs.utah.edu> and
+ *            Tim Wilkinson <tim at transvirtual.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __jthread_h
+#define __jthread_h
+ * The file is independent of Kaffe, but if compiled as part of the Kaffe
+ * build process, it will use Kaffe's constants and config options.
+ * This should make it machine-independent or at least aid in porting it.
+ *
+ * We use the preprocessor constant "HAVE_CONFIG_H" to determine whether that is
+ * the case or not.
+ */
+#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+/*======== 	begin of definitions that apply to Kaffe 	     ========*/
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "config-setjmp.h"
+#include "config-std.h"
+#include "config-mem.h"
+#include "config-io.h"
+#include "config-signal.h"
+#include "gtypes.h"		/* for jlong */
+#include "lerrno.h"
+#include "support.h"		/* XXX: for currentTime */
+#include "md.h"
+#include "threadData.h"
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#if defined (HAVE_SYS_POLL_H) || defined(HAVE_POLL_H)
+#define USE_POLL	1
+#if defined(__WIN32__)
+#define SIG_T   void(*)()
+#define SIG_T   void*
+/*======== 	end of definitions that apply to Kaffe 	     	     ========*/
+#else	/* !PACKAGE_VERSION */
+ * all definitions for compilation under plain UNIX are in this file
+ */
+#include "config-jthreads.h"
+/*======== end of definitions that apply to plain UNIX only ========*/
+#endif  /* !PACKAGE_VERSION */
+#include "jqueue.h"
+#include "lock-impl.h"
+/* thread status */
+#define THREAD_SUSPENDED                0
+#define THREAD_RUNNING                  1
+#define THREAD_DEAD                     2
+/* thread flags */
+#define THREAD_FLAGS_GENERAL            0
+#define THREAD_FLAGS_NOSTACKALLOC       1   /* this flag is not used anymore */
+#define THREAD_FLAGS_KILLED             2
+#define THREAD_FLAGS_ALARM              4
+#define THREAD_FLAGS_EXITING        	8
+#define THREAD_FLAGS_DONTSTOP        	16
+#define THREAD_FLAGS_DYING        	32
+ * This is our internal structure representing the "native" threads.
+ * This used to be called "ctx".
+ */
+typedef struct _jthread {
+	threadData			localData;
+	unsigned char			status;
+	unsigned char			priority;
+	void*				restorePoint;
+	void*				stackBase;
+	void*				stackEnd;
+	void*				suspender;
+	unsigned int			suspendCount;
+	jlong				time;
+	jlong				startUsed;
+	jlong				totalUsed;
+        KaffeNodeQueue*                 blockqueue; 
+	unsigned long			flags;
+	void				(*func)(void *);
+	int				daemon;
+	int				stopCounter;
+#if defined(SAVED_FP_SIZE)
+	char				fpstate[SAVED_FP_SIZE];
+	/* 
+	 * note that this causes gdb under Solaris to crash when trying to
+	 * print a struct jthread
+	 */
+	/* for alignment (Gcc extension) */
+	double				align[0];
+} jthread, *jthread_t;
+extern jthread_t currentJThread;
+ *
+ * The following functions form the interface provided by the 
+ * revised internal threading system.
+ */
+ * initialize the threading system
+ */
+struct _Collector;
+	int preemptive,				/* preemptive scheduling */
+	int maxpr, 				/* maximum priority */
+	int minpr, 				/* minimum priority */
+	struct _Collector *collector,
+	void (*_destructor1)(void*),		/* called when a thread exits */ 
+	void (*_onstop)(void),			/* called when a thread is stopped */
+	void (*_ondeadlock)(void));		/* called when we detect deadlock */
+ * Create the first thread - actually bind the first thread to the java
+ * context.
+ */
+jthread_createfirst(size_t mainThreadStackSize,
+	unsigned int prio, void* jlThread);
+ * create a thread with a given priority
+ */
+jthread_create(unsigned int pri, 	/* initial priority */
+	void (*func)(void *), 		/* start function */
+	int isDaemon, 			/* is this thread a daemon? */
+	void *jlThread, 		/* cookie for this thread */
+	size_t threadStackSize);	/* stack size to be allocated */
+struct _exceptionFrame;
+typedef void (*exchandler_t)(struct _exceptionFrame*);
+ * Register handlers for null pointer accesses and floating point exceptions
+ */
+jthread_initexceptions(exchandler_t _nullHandler,
+                       exchandler_t _floatingHandler,
+		       exchandler_t _stackOverflowHandler);
+ * set a function to be run when last non-daemon dies 
+ * this is used to run the finalizer on exit.
+ */
+void 	jthread_atexit(void (*f)(void));
+ * walk all live threads, and invoke `func', passing in their cookie
+ * this is used with `func' set to walkMemory
+ */
+void 	jthread_walkLiveThreads(void (*func)(jthread_t, void*), void*);
+ * walk all live threads, and invoke `func', passing in their cookie
+ * this is used with `func' set to walkMemory.
+ * This function is reentrant.
+ */
+void 	jthread_walkLiveThreads_r(void (*func)(jthread_t, void*), void*);
+ * destroy this jthread structure 
+ */
+void	jthread_destroy(jthread_t jtid);
+ * set the priority of a thread 
+ */
+void	jthread_setpriority(jthread_t jtid, int prio);
+ * yield to another thread
+ */
+void 	jthread_yield(void);
+ * sleep for time milliseconds
+ */
+void 	jthread_sleep(jlong millis);
+ * return the current thread 
+ */
+jthread_t jthread_current(void);
+ * count the number of stack frames - unimplemented 
+ */
+int 	jthread_frames(jthread_t thrd);
+ * return whether this thread is alive or not
+ */
+int 	jthread_alive(jthread_t jtid);
+ * stop this thread
+ */
+void 	jthread_stop(jthread_t jtid);
+ * interrupt this thread
+ */
+void 	jthread_interrupt(jthread_t jtid);
+ * have the current thread exit
+ */
+void 	jthread_exit(void);
+ * determine whether a location is on the stack of the current thread
+ */
+int     jthread_on_current_stack(void *bp);
+ * Check for room on stack.
+ */
+int     jthread_stackcheck(int left);
+ * Get the current stack limit.
+ */
+void jthread_relaxstack(int yes);
+void* jthread_stacklimit(void);
+ * determine the "interesting" stack range a conservative gc must walk
+ */
+int jthread_extract_stack(jthread_t jtid, void **from, unsigned *len);
+ * Disallow cancellation for current thread
+ */
+void jthread_disable_stop(void);
+ * Reallow cancellation for current thread
+ * If a cancellation is pending, the stop method will be called
+ */
+void jthread_enable_stop(void);
+ * functions to disable and restore interrupts
+ * These are *not* part of the public interface.
+ */
+#define	INTS_DISABLED()		intsDisabled()
+int 	intsDisabled(void);
+ * Prevent all other threads from running.
+ * In this uniprocessor implementation, this is simple.
+ */
+void jthread_suspendall(void);
+ * Reallow other threads.
+ * In this uniprocessor implementation, this is simple.
+ */
+void jthread_unsuspendall(void);
+ * Special GC mutex lock.
+ */
+void jthread_lockGC(void);
+ * Special GC mutex unlock.
+ */
+void jthread_unlockGC(void);
+ * Print info about a given jthread to stderr
+ */
+void jthread_dumpthreadinfo(jthread_t tid);
+ * return thread-specific data for a given jthread
+ */
+threadData* jthread_get_data(jthread_t tid);
+ * API related to I/O
+ */
+int jthreadedOpen(const char* path, int flags, int mode, int*);
+int jthreadedSocket(int af, int type, int proto, int*);
+int jthreadedConnect(int fd, struct sockaddr* addr, int len, int timeout);
+int jthreadedAccept(int fd, struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* len, 
+	int timeout, int *);
+int jthreadedRead(int fd, void* buf, size_t len, ssize_t *);
+int jthreadedTimedRead(int fd, void* buf, size_t len, int timeout, ssize_t *);
+int jthreadedTimedWrite(int fd, const void* buf, size_t len, int timeout, ssize_t *);
+int jthreadedWrite(int fd, const void* buf, size_t len, ssize_t *);
+int jthreadedRecvfrom(int fd, void* buf, size_t len, int flags,
+        struct sockaddr* from, socklen_t* fromlen, int timeout, ssize_t *);
+int jthreadedWaitpid(int wpid, int* status, int options, int *);
+int jthreadedForkExec(char **argv, char **arge,
+		      int ioes[/* 4 */], int *, const char *);
+jthreadedSelect(int a, fd_set* b, fd_set* c, fd_set* d, 
+		struct timeval* e, int* out);
+int jthreadedPipeCreate(int *read_fd, int *write_fd);
+void jthread_set_blocking(int fd, int blocking);
+int jthread_is_blocking(int fd);
+/* restore an fd, i.e., put it in blocking state without async I/O */
+void jthreadRestoreFD(int fd);
+/* Spinlocks: simple since we're uniprocessor */
+void jthread_spinon(void *arg);
+void jthread_spinoff(void *arg);
+void jthread_suspend(jthread_t jt, void *suspender);
+void jthread_resume(jthread_t jt, void *suspender);
+jthread_t jthread_from_data(threadData *td, void *suspender);
+jlong jthread_get_usage(jthread_t jt);
+int jthread_get_status(jthread_t jt);
+int jthread_is_interrupted(jthread_t jt);
+int jthread_interrupted(jthread_t jt);
+int jthread_on_mutex(jthread_t jt);
+int jthread_on_condvar(jthread_t jt);
+void jthread_clear_run(jthread_t jt);
+int jthread_has_run(jthread_t jt);
+/* let main thread loop until all threads finish, for tests */
+void 	jthread_exit_when_done(void) NONRETURNING;
+static inline
+bool jthread_attach_current_thread(UNUSED bool isDaemon)
+	return false;
+static inline
+bool jthread_detach_current_thread (void)
+ 	return false;

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