[kaffe] Compile error esd.h not found

Martin West martin.west at dsl.pipex.com
Wed Jun 15 00:10:31 PDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-06-15 at 12:27 +0900, Kiyo Inaba wrote:
> >Now get compile error ...
> As the message says, your gcc can not find proper 'esd.h'.
Yeah, kind of figured that.
> Double check you have esd installed, or set '--disable-sound'
> configuration option.

There is an esd.h in the linux's /usr/include. 

1) Is this ok to use and why didnt the build process pick up?
2) If not I presume I have to include a platform specific one.
> Kiyo
regards Martin West
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msn:westam at dsl.pipex.com

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