[kaffe] Jikes Vs Kopi JC

Gustavo Guillermo Pérez gustavo at compunauta.com
Sat Apr 9 08:57:15 PDT 2005

Hello, I was reading the licens of Jikes and I see is not GNU/GPL, why is the 
default compiler for the classpath instead of Kopi Java Compiler, I noted 
that javac is pointing to jikes and I don't want to mix this kind of 

I try to use kcj with an earlier compiled kaffe binary but hangs class 
compilation, and I noticed the build process finish a lot faster than before 
with jikes.

There is any problem with kcj, that makes forcing the use of jikes? 
Which are the advantages?


Gustavo Guillermo Pérez
Compunauta uLinux

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