[kaffe] Awt Qt backend problems in 1.1.5.

Alexander Boettcher ab764283 at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Thu Apr 7 00:21:54 PDT 2005


gian paolo ciceri wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've a simple graphical application that runs fine under plain vanilla
> 1.1.5 (so with classpath gtk/X Awt backend).
> But when I run it under a kaffe built with Qt backend for Awt I take the
> following.
Kaffe partially uses  for the AWT backends different Java classes, for 
QT from "libraries/javalib/awt-implementations/kaffe/java/awt" and for 
the Gtk backend from "libraries/javalib/java/awt".  The state of 
implemented classes and methods differs.

> [gpciceri at sandra DisplayButton]$ /usr/local/kaffe-1.1.5-JIT-qt/bin/kaffe
> - -Xkaffe-qt-awt ButtonFrame
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
> java/awt/EventQueue.invokeLater(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V
> ~   at ButtonFrame.main (ButtonFrame.java:185)
The method is not implemented in 
Maybe, a simple adaptation of this method of the gtk backend to the qt 
backend is possible.

> I'm perplexed, perhaps I've done some errors building kaffe: I used
I do not think so - see the first statement.



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