[kaffe] CVS kaffe (robilad): Resynced with GNU Classpath: fixed german locale information
Kaffe CVS
cvs-commits at kaffe.org
Tue Nov 23 20:08:53 PST 2004
PatchSet 5476
Date: 2004/11/24 04:04:32
Author: robilad
Branch: HEAD
Tag: (none)
Resynced with GNU Classpath: fixed german locale information
2004-11-24 Dalibor Topic <robilad at kaffe.org>
* libraries/javalib/gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java:
Resynced with GNU Classpath.
2004-11-16 Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
* gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java:
Added some new locale informations to the contents object.
2004-11-16 Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
* gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java:
Fix compile error.
2004-11-16 Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
* gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java: Reordered entries in
contents array, added support for ap/pm and territorial names.
2004-11-16 Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
* gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java: Reformatted. Replaced
some definitions with their generated counterparts.
2004-11-16 Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
* gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java: Removed some comments to
make it easier to merge this with the new generated classes.
Index: kaffe/ChangeLog
diff -u kaffe/ChangeLog:1.3022 kaffe/ChangeLog:1.3023
--- kaffe/ChangeLog:1.3022 Wed Nov 24 03:40:21 2004
+++ kaffe/ChangeLog Wed Nov 24 04:04:32 2004
@@ -1,5 +1,35 @@
2004-11-24 Dalibor Topic <robilad at kaffe.org>
+ * libraries/javalib/gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java:
+ Resynced with GNU Classpath.
+ 2004-11-16 Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
+ * gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java:
+ Added some new locale informations to the contents object.
+ 2004-11-16 Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
+ * gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java:
+ Fix compile error.
+ 2004-11-16 Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
+ * gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java: Reordered entries in
+ contents array, added support for ap/pm and territorial names.
+ 2004-11-16 Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
+ * gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java: Reformatted. Replaced
+ some definitions with their generated counterparts.
+ 2004-11-16 Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
+ * gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java: Removed some comments to
+ make it easier to merge this with the new generated classes.
+2004-11-24 Dalibor Topic <robilad at kaffe.org>
* libraries/javalib/gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkFontPeer.java:
Resynced with GNU Classpath.
Index: kaffe/libraries/javalib/gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java
diff -u kaffe/libraries/javalib/gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java:1.2 kaffe/libraries/javalib/gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java:1.3
--- kaffe/libraries/javalib/gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java:1.2 Mon Mar 22 11:24:15 2004
+++ kaffe/libraries/javalib/gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_de.java Wed Nov 24 04:04:34 2004
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-/* LocaleInformation_de.java -- German locale data
- Copyright (C) 1999, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+/* LocaleInformation_de.java --
+ Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Classpath.
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -36,195 +36,386 @@
exception statement from your version. */
+// This file was automatically generated by gnu.localegen from LDML de.xml
package gnu.java.locale;
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
- * This class contains locale data for the German locale
- * @author Jochen Hoenicke
- */
public class LocaleInformation_de extends ListResourceBundle
+ private static final String collation_rules =
+ "<0<1<2<3<4<5<6<7<8<9<A,a<b,B<c,C<d,D<e,E<f,F<g,G<h,H<i,I<j,J<k,K" +
+ "<l,L<m,M<n,N<o,O<p,P<q,Q<r,R<s,S<t,T<u,U<v,V<w,W<x,X<y,Y<z,Z" +
+ "&ae,\u00e4&Ae,\u00c4&oe,\u00f6&Oe,\u00d6&ue,\u00fc&Ue,\u00dc&ss,\u00df";
+ private static final Object[] shortMonths = {
+ "Jan",
+ "Feb",
+ "Mrz",
+ "Apr",
+ "Mai",
+ "Jun",
+ "Jul",
+ "Aug",
+ "Sep",
+ "Okt",
+ "Nov",
+ "Dez",
+ null,
+ };
+ private static final Object[] months = {
+ "Januar",
+ "Februar",
+ "M\u00e4rz",
+ "April",
+ "Mai",
+ "Juni",
+ "Juli",
+ "August",
+ "September",
+ "Oktober",
+ "November",
+ "Dezember",
+ null,
+ };
+ private static final Object[] shortWeekdays = {
+ null,
+ "So",
+ "Mo",
+ "Di",
+ "Mi",
+ "Do",
+ "Fr",
+ "Sa"
+ };
+ private static final Object[] weekdays = {
+ null,
+ "Sonntag",
+ "Montag",
+ "Dienstag",
+ "Mittwoch",
+ "Donnerstag",
+ "Freitag",
+ "Samstag"
+ };
+ private static final Object[] eras = {
+ "v. Chr.",
+ "n. Chr."
+ };
+ private static final Object[] ampms = {
+ "vorm.",
+ "nachm."
+ };
+ private static final String[][] zoneStrings =
+ {
+ { "WET", "Westeurop\u00e4ische Zeit", "WEZ", "Westeurop\u00e4ische Sommerzeit", "WESZ", "London" },
+ { "CET", "Mitteleurop\u00e4ische Zeit", "MEZ", "Mitteleurop\u00e4ische Sommerzeit", "MESZ", "Berlin" },
+ { "EET", "Osteurop\u00e4ische Zeit", "OEZ", "Mitteleurop\u00e4ische Sommerzeit", "OESZ", "Istanbul" },
+ };
+ private static final class Hashtableterritories extends java.util.Hashtable
+ {
+ public Hashtableterritories()
+ {
+ super();
+ put("TL", "Osttimor");
+ put("TK", "Tokelau");
+ put("TJ", "Tadschikistan");
+ put("TH", "Thailand");
+ put("TG", "Togo");
+ put("TF", "Franz\u00f6sische S\u00fcd- und Antarktisgebiete");
+ put("GY", "Guyana");
+ put("TD", "Tschad");
+ put("TC", "Turks- und Caicosinseln");
+ put("GW", "Guinea-Bissau");
+ put("GU", "Guam");
+ put("GT", "Guatemala");
+ put("GS", "S\u00fcdgeorgien und die S\u00fcdlichen Sandwichinseln");
+ put("GR", "Griechenland");
+ put("GQ", "\u00c4quatorialguinea");
+ put("GP", "Guadeloupe");
+ put("SZ", "Swasiland");
+ put("SY", "Syrien");
+ put("GN", "Guinea");
+ put("GM", "Gambia");
+ put("GL", "Gr\u00f6nland");
+ put("SV", "El Salvador");
+ put("ST", "S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 und Pr\u00edncipe");
+ put("GI", "Gibraltar");
+ put("GH", "Ghana");
+ put("SR", "Suriname");
+ put("GF", "Franz\u00f6sisch-Guayana");
+ put("SP", "Serbien");
+ put("GE", "Georgien");
+ put("SO", "Somalia");
+ put("GD", "Grenada");
+ put("SN", "Senegal");
+ put("SM", "San Marino");
+ put("GB", "Vereinigtes K\u00f6nigreich");
+ put("SL", "Sierra Leone");
+ put("GA", "Gabun");
+ put("SK", "Slowakei");
+ put("SJ", "Svalbard und Jan Mayen");
+ put("SI", "Slowenien");
+ put("SH", "St. Helena");
+ put("SG", "Singapur");
+ put("SE", "Schweden");
+ put("SD", "Sudan");
+ put("SC", "Seychellen");
+ put("SB", "Salomonen");
+ put("SA", "Saudi-Arabien");
+ put("FR", "Frankreich");
+ put("FO", "F\u00e4r\u00f6er");
+ put("FM", "Mikronesien");
+ put("RW", "Ruanda");
+ put("FK", "Falklandinseln");
+ put("RU", "Russische F\u00f6deration");
+ put("FJ", "Fidschi");
+ put("FI", "Finnland");
+ put("RO", "Rum\u00e4nien");
+ put("RE", "R\u00e9union");
+ put("ET", "\u00c4thiopien");
+ put("ES", "Spanien");
+ put("ER", "Eritrea");
+ put("EH", "Westsahara");
+ put("EG", "\u00c4gypten");
+ put("EE", "Estland");
+ put("EC", "Ecuador");
+ put("DZ", "Algerien");
+ put("QA", "Katar");
+ put("DO", "Dominikanische Republik");
+ put("PY", "Paraguay");
+ put("DM", "Dominica");
+ put("PW", "Palau");
+ put("DK", "D\u00e4nemark");
+ put("DJ", "Dschibuti");
+ put("PT", "Portugal");
+ put("PS", "Pal\u00e4stinensische Gebiete");
+ put("PR", "Puerto Rico");
+ put("DE", "Deutschland");
+ put("PN", "Pitcairn");
+ put("PM", "St. Pierre und Miquelon");
+ put("PL", "Polen");
+ put("PK", "Pakistan");
+ put("PH", "Philippinen");
+ put("PG", "Papua-Neuguinea");
+ put("PF", "Franz\u00f6sisch-Polynesien");
+ put("CZ", "Tschechische Republik");
+ put("PE", "Peru");
+ put("CY", "Zypern");
+ put("CX", "Weihnachtsinsel");
+ put("CV", "Kap Verde");
+ put("PA", "Panama");
+ put("CU", "Kuba");
+ put("CR", "Costa Rica");
+ put("CO", "Kolumbien");
+ put("CN", "China");
+ put("CM", "Kamerun");
+ put("CL", "Chile");
+ put("CK", "Cookinseln");
+ put("CI", "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire");
+ put("CH", "Schweiz");
+ put("CG", "Kongo");
+ put("CF", "Zentralafrikanische Republik");
+ put("CD", "Demokratische Republik Kongo");
+ put("CC", "Kokosinseln (Keeling)");
+ put("OM", "Oman");
+ put("CA", "Kanada");
+ put("BZ", "Belize");
+ put("BY", "Belarus");
+ put("BW", "Botsuana");
+ put("BV", "Bouvetinsel");
+ put("BT", "Bhutan");
+ put("BS", "Bahamas");
+ put("BR", "Brasilien");
+ put("NZ", "Neuseeland");
+ put("BO", "Bolivien");
+ put("BN", "Brunei Darussalam");
+ put("BM", "Bermuda");
+ put("NU", "Niue");
+ put("BJ", "Benin");
+ put("BI", "Burundi");
+ put("BH", "Bahrain");
+ put("NR", "Nauru");
+ put("BG", "Bulgarien");
+ put("BF", "Burkina Faso");
+ put("NP", "Nepal");
+ put("BE", "Belgien");
+ put("NO", "Norwegen");
+ put("BD", "Bangladesch");
+ put("BB", "Barbados");
+ put("ZW", "Simbabwe");
+ put("NL", "Niederlande");
+ put("BA", "Bosnien und Herzegowina");
+ put("NI", "Nicaragua");
+ put("NG", "Nigeria");
+ put("NF", "Norfolkinsel");
+ put("AZ", "Aserbaidschan");
+ put("NE", "Niger");
+ put("NC", "Neukaledonien");
+ put("AW", "Aruba");
+ put("ZM", "Sambia");
+ put("NA", "Namibia");
+ put("AU", "Australien");
+ put("AT", "\u00d6sterreich");
+ put("AS", "Amerikanisch-Samoa");
+ put("AR", "Argentinien");
+ put("AQ", "Antarktis");
+ put("MZ", "Mosambik");
+ put("AO", "Angola");
+ put("MY", "Malaysia");
+ put("AN", "Niederl\u00e4ndische Antillen");
+ put("MX", "Mexiko");
+ put("AM", "Armenien");
+ put("MW", "Malawi");
+ put("AL", "Albanien");
+ put("MV", "Malediven");
+ put("ZA", "S\u00fcdafrika");
+ put("MU", "Mauritius");
+ put("MT", "Malta");
+ put("AI", "Anguilla");
+ put("MS", "Montserrat");
+ put("MR", "Mauretanien");
+ put("AG", "Antigua und Barbuda");
+ put("MQ", "Martinique");
+ put("AF", "Afghanistan");
+ put("MP", "N\u00f6rdliche Marianen");
+ put("AE", "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate");
+ put("MO", "Macau S.A.R., China");
+ put("AD", "Andorra");
+ put("MN", "Mongolei");
+ put("MM", "Myanmar");
+ put("ML", "Mali");
+ put("MK", "Mazedonien");
+ put("YU", "Jugoslawien");
+ put("YT", "Mayotte");
+ put("MH", "Marshallinseln");
+ put("MG", "Madagaskar");
+ put("MD", "Republik Moldau");
+ put("MC", "Monaco");
+ put("MA", "Marokko");
+ put("YE", "Jemen");
+ put("LY", "Libyen");
+ put("LV", "Lettland");
+ put("LU", "Luxemburg");
+ put("LT", "Litauen");
+ put("LS", "Lesotho");
+ put("LR", "Liberia");
+ put("LK", "Sri Lanka");
+ put("LI", "Liechtenstein");
+ put("LC", "St. Lucia");
+ put("LB", "Libanon");
+ put("LA", "Laos");
+ put("KZ", "Kasachstan");
+ put("KY", "Kaimaninseln");
+ put("KW", "Kuwait");
+ put("KR", "Republik Korea");
+ put("KP", "Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea");
+ put("KN", "St. Kitts und Nevis");
+ put("KM", "Komoren");
+ put("KI", "Kiribati");
+ put("WS", "Samoa");
+ put("KH", "Kambodscha");
+ put("KG", "Kirgisistan");
+ put("KE", "Kenia");
+ put("WF", "Wallis und Futuna");
+ put("JP", "Japan");
+ put("JO", "Jordanien");
+ put("JM", "Jamaika");
+ put("VU", "Vanuatu");
+ put("VN", "Vietnam");
+ put("VI", "Amerikanische Jungferninseln");
+ put("VG", "Britische Jungferninseln");
+ put("VE", "Venezuela");
+ put("VC", "St. Vincent und die Grenadinen");
+ put("VA", "Vatikanstadt");
+ put("IT", "Italien");
+ put("IS", "Island");
+ put("IR", "Iran");
+ put("IQ", "Irak");
+ put("UZ", "Usbekistan");
+ put("IO", "Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean");
+ put("UY", "Uruguay");
+ put("IN", "Indien");
+ put("IL", "Israel");
+ put("US", "Vereinigte Staaten");
+ put("IE", "Irland");
+ put("ID", "Indonesien");
+ put("UM", "Amerikanisch-Ozeanien");
+ put("UG", "Uganda");
+ put("UA", "Ukraine");
+ put("HU", "Ungarn");
+ put("HT", "Haiti");
+ put("HR", "Kroatien");
+ put("TZ", "Tansania");
+ put("HN", "Honduras");
+ put("HM", "Heard und McDonaldinseln");
+ put("TW", "Taiwan");
+ put("TV", "Tuvalu");
+ put("HK", "Hong Kong S.A.R., China");
+ put("TT", "Trinidad und Tobago");
+ put("TR", "T\u00fcrkei");
+ put("TO", "Tonga");
+ put("TN", "Tunesien");
+ put("TM", "Turkmenistan");
+ }
+ }
+ private static final Object territories = new Hashtableterritories();
+ private static final String defaultDateFormat = "dd.MM.yy";
+ private static final String shortTimeFormat = "H:mm";
+ private static final String mediumTimeFormat = "H:mm:ss";
+ private static final String longTimeFormat = "H:mm:ss z";
+ private static final String defaultTimeFormat = "H:mm:ss";
+ private static final String currencySymbol = "DM";
+ private static final String intlCurrencySymbol = "DEM";
+ private static final String decimalSeparator = ",";
+ private static final String monetarySeparator = ",";
+ private static final Object[][] contents =
+ {
+ { "decimalSeparator", "," },
+ { "groupingSeparator", "." },
+ { "localPatternChars", "GjMtkHmsSEDFwWahKzJeugAZ" },
+ { "shortMonths", shortMonths },
+ { "collation_rules", collation_rules },
+ { "months", months },
+ { "shortWeekdays", shortWeekdays },
+ { "weekdays", weekdays },
+ { "eras", eras },
+ { "ampms", ampms },
+ { "shortDateFormat", "dd.MM.yy" },
+ { "mediumDateFormat", "dd.MM.yyyy" },
+ { "longDateFormat", "d. MMMM yyyy" },
+ { "fullDateFormat", "EEEE, d. MMMM yyyy" },
+ { "fullTimeFormat", "H:mm' Uhr 'z" },
+ { "zoneStrings", zoneStrings },
+ { "territories", territories },
+ { "defaultDateFormat", defaultDateFormat },
+ { "shortTimeFormat", shortTimeFormat },
+ { "mediumTimeFormat", mediumTimeFormat },
+ { "longTimeFormat", longTimeFormat },
+ { "defaultTimeFormat", defaultTimeFormat },
+ { "currencySymbol", currencySymbol },
+ { "intlCurrencySymbol", intlCurrencySymbol },
+ { "monetarySeparator", monetarySeparator },
+ };
- * This area is used for defining object values
- */
- * This is the set of collation rules used by java.text.RuleBasedCollator
- * to sort strings properly. See the documentation of that class for the
- * proper format.
- */
-private static final String collation_rules =
- "<0<1<2<3<4<5<6<7<8<9<A,a<b,B<c,C<d,D<e,E<f,F<g,G<h,H<i,I<j,J<k,K" +
- "<l,L<m,M<n,N<o,O<p,P<q,Q<r,R<s,S<t,T<u,U<v,V<w,W<x,X<y,Y<z,Z" +
- "&ae,\u00e4&Ae,\u00c4&oe,\u00f6&Oe,\u00d6&ue,\u00fc&Ue,\u00dc&ss,\u00df";
- * This is the list of months, fully spelled out
- */
-private static final String[] months = { "Januar", "Februar", "M\u00e4rz",
- "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober",
- "November", "Dezember", null };
- * This is the list of abbreviated month names
- */
-private static final String[] shortMonths = {
- "Jan", "Feb", "M\u00e4r", "Apr", "Mai",
- "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez", null
- * This is the list of weekdays, fully spelled out
- */
-private static final String[] weekdays = {
- null, "Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag",
- "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag"
- * This is the list of abbreviated weekdays
- */
-private static final String[] shortWeekdays = {
- null, "So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa"
- * This is the list of era identifiers
- */
-private static final String[] eras = { "v. Chr.", "n. Chr." };
- * This is the list of timezone strings. The JDK appears to include a
- * city name as the sixth element.
- */
-private static final String[][] zoneStrings =
- // European time zones. The city names are a little bit random.
- { "WET", "Westeurop\u00e4ische Zeit", "WEZ", "Westeurop\u00e4ische Sommerzeit", "WESZ", "London" },
- { "CET", "Mitteleurop\u00e4ische Zeit", "MEZ", "Mitteleurop\u00e4ische Sommerzeit", "MESZ", "Berlin" },
- { "EET", "Osteurop\u00e4ische Zeit", "OEZ", "Mitteleurop\u00e4ische Sommerzeit", "OESZ", "Istanbul" },
- * This is the DateFormat.SHORT date format
- */
-private static final String shortDateFormat = "dd.MM.yy";
- * This is the DateFormat.MEDIUM format
- */
-private static final String mediumDateFormat = "d. MMM yy";
- * This is the DateFormat.LONG format
- */
-private static final String longDateFormat = "d. MMMM yyyy";
- * This is the DateFormat.FULL format
- */
-private static final String fullDateFormat = "EEEE, d. MMMM yyyy";
- * This is the DateFormat.DEFAULT format
- */
-private static final String defaultDateFormat = "dd.MM.yy";
- * This is the DateFormat.SHORT format
- */
-private static final String shortTimeFormat = "H:mm";
- * This is the DateFormat.MEDIUM format
- */
-private static final String mediumTimeFormat = "H:mm:ss";
- * This is the DateFormat.LONG format
- */
-private static final String longTimeFormat = "H:mm:ss z";
- * This is the DateFormat.FULL format
- */
-private static final String fullTimeFormat = "H:mm:ss 'Uhr' z";
- * This is the DateFormat.DEFAULT format
- */
-private static final String defaultTimeFormat = "H:mm:ss";
- * This is the currency symbol
- */
-private static final String currencySymbol = "DM";
- * This is the international currency symbol.
- */
-private static final String intlCurrencySymbol = "DEM";
- * This is the decimal point.
- */
-private static final String decimalSeparator = ",";
- * This is the decimal separator in monetary values.
- */
-private static final String monetarySeparator = ",";
- * This is the object array used to hold the keys and values
- * for this bundle
- */
-private static final Object[][] contents =
- // For RuleBasedCollator
- { "collation_rules", collation_rules },
- // For SimpleDateFormat/DateFormatSymbols
- { "months", months },
- { "shortMonths", shortMonths },
- { "weekdays", weekdays },
- { "shortWeekdays", shortWeekdays },
- { "eras", eras },
- { "zoneStrings", zoneStrings },
- { "shortDateFormat", shortDateFormat },
- { "mediumDateFormat", mediumDateFormat },
- { "longDateFormat", longDateFormat },
- { "fullDateFormat", fullDateFormat },
- { "defaultDateFormat", defaultDateFormat },
- { "shortTimeFormat", shortTimeFormat },
- { "mediumTimeFormat", mediumTimeFormat },
- { "longTimeFormat", longTimeFormat },
- { "fullTimeFormat", fullTimeFormat },
- { "defaultTimeFormat", defaultTimeFormat },
- // For DecimalFormat/DecimalFormatSymbols
- { "currencySymbol", currencySymbol },
- { "intlCurrencySymbol", intlCurrencySymbol },
- { "decimalSeparator", decimalSeparator },
- { "monetarySeparator", monetarySeparator },
- * This method returns the object array of key, value pairs containing
- * the data for this bundle.
- *
- * @return The key, value information.
- */
-public Object[][]
- return(contents);
+ public Object[][] getContents() { return contents; }
-} // class LocaleInformation_de
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