[kaffe] OpenBSD/68k report for Guilhem

Riccardo zuse@libero.it
Mon May 17 11:17:01 2004


I recompiled your patched version with the inlined sysdepcall. I see you 
added also other printf's.

initProxyProp: 0, start
done getenv. proxy = 0
now returning from initProxyProp, proxy == NULL
Exiting initProperties
returned from sysdepCallMethod(interpreter, 642)
after syncobj
cleaning up exceptions
exiting callMethodA
Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.
        at java.lang.System.<clinit>(System.java:46)

since you said it was flakey, I rerun

nitProxyProp: 0, start
done getenv. proxy = 0
now returning from initProxyProp, proxy == NULL
Exiting initProperties
returned from sysdepCallMethod(interpreter, 642)
after syncobj
cleaning up exceptions
exiting callMethodA
Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.
        at java.lang.System.<clinit>(System.java:46)

seems consistent to me.
