[kaffe] DateFormatTest regression

Ito Kazumitsu ito.kazumitsu at hitachi-cable.co.jp
Wed Mar 3 18:06:02 PST 2004

In message "Re: [kaffe] DateFormatTest regression"
    on 04/03/04, Ito Kazumitsu <ito.kazumitsu at hitachi-cable.co.jp> writes:

> As for WET, java/util/TimeZone.java reads
>         tz = new SimpleTimeZone
>           (0 * 3600, "WET",
>            Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1000 * 3600,
>            Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1000 * 3600);
> This means WET's daylight saving time should start on the last
> Sunday in March.  But now that DST_BUG occurs before the last
> Sundy, there may be another bug about the handling of
> DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH.  I call this this bug DOWIM_BUG afterwards.

This part in java/util/SimpleTimeZone.java seems to have something
to do with DOWIM_BUG.

  public void setStartRule(int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int time)
    this.startMode = checkRule(month, day, dayOfWeek);
    this.startMonth = month;
    // FIXME: XXX: JDK 1.2 allows negative values and has 2 new variations
    // of this method.
    this.startDay = Math.abs(day);
    this.startDayOfWeek = Math.abs(dayOfWeek);
    this.startTime = time;
    useDaylight = true;

  public void setEndRule(int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int time)
    this.endMode = checkRule(month, day, dayOfWeek);
    this.endMonth = month;
    // FIXME: XXX: JDK 1.2 allows negative values and has 2 new variations
    // of this method.
    this.endDay = Math.abs(day);
    this.endDayOfWeek = Math.abs(dayOfWeek);
    this.endTime = time;
    useDaylight = true;

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