[kaffe] Probs with compiling

Dalibor Topic robilad@kaffe.org
Mon Mar 1 07:50:02 2004

Hi Heppan,

heppan@arcor.de wrote:
> i want so start a compiled java with qt/e programm, but there is
> always this error message:
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/pr4/qt/libTry.so: undefined
> symbol: _ZN8LCDRangeC1EP7QWidgetPKc
> Adding its directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH may help.
>    at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary (Runtime.java:170)
>    at java.lang.System.loadLibrary (System.java:123)
>    at Tryqt1.<clinit> (Tryqt1.java:9)

bash-2.05a$ c++filt _ZN8LCDRangeC1EP7QWidgetPKc
LCDRange::LCDRange[in-charge](QWidget*, char const*)

I can really recommend c++filt for demangling of C++ symbols.

> simple progs like the tutorials t1 up to t5 from qt/e (trolltech)
> works, but more difficult ones doesn't work. and what is _ZN8LCDRangeC1EP7QWidgetPKc ? where can i find it?

It's not part of kaffe for sure. I assume you've forgot to add the 
library you're working on to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

dalibor topic