[kaffe] Re: problem

Riccardo zuse@libero.it
Mon Mar 1 02:17:02 2004

In <20040228031818.19261.qmail@web40910.mail.yahoo.com> Guille Ludu  
> I have the Mandrake lastest distribution (9.2) and i¥ve installed 
> kaffe from it, just becose the maple8 install needs a VM, but when i 
> try to execute the installation bash script, i see this: Could not 
> initialize VM then it ends øwhat is wrong?øcan somebody tell me?  

you installed kaffe as a MDK package?

could you try to run a small java program like a hello world and see if 
kaffe itself actually works as a java VM? If this is the case there is 
maybe only some bad configuration.
If kaffe is broken on your installation you could try to build the 
current 1.1.4 version (www.kaffe.org)
