[kaffe] build process

Helmer Krämer hkraemer at freenet.de
Sun Jun 27 10:14:52 PDT 2004

Hi all,

the attached patch modifies kaffe's build process a little bit,
so that it executes in roughly four steps:

* build kaffeh, libkaffevm, standard libtool -modules and kaffe

* build rt.jar

* build optional libtool -modules (like awt, sound, libxmlj)
  [including generation of required headers]

* relink kaffe executable using all libtool -modules
  [required for systems that can't dlopen libtool -modules]

Since the jni headers for the optional libtool -modules are
generated after rt.jar has been built, we no longer have to
include classes of optional packages in Klasses.jar.bootstrap.

If nobody has any objections, I'll check it in during next

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