[kaffe] kjc generics bug
Matthias Pfisterer
Mon Jan 19 10:52:02 2004
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I found a bug in the generics support of kjc. The attached program
produces an error:
artemis:~/java/genericstest>kjavac -generic FakeList.java
FakeList.java:39: error:Too less type arguments for type "FakeList";
required: 1 [JSR 41]
artemis:~/java/genericstest>kjavac -version
Version 2.1A released 11. February 2002
With the compiler if the Sun JDK 1.5.0, there is no error message.
Matthias Pfisterer <mailto:Matthias.Pfisterer@web.de>
Reuchlinstrasse 28 phone ++49-711-62 87 12
D-70176 Stuttgart (in Deutschland 0711-62 87 12)
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/** A List class skeleton with generics.
Used to test if compilers handle generics.
public class FakeList<E>
private E[] m_data;
public FakeList(int nSize)
m_data = (E[]) new Object[nSize];
public int size()
return m_data.length;
public void set(int nIndex, E element)
m_data[nIndex] = element;
public E get(int nIndex)
return m_data[nIndex];
/** Some tests for this class.
public static void main(String[] args)
// kjc gives an error on this:
FakeList list = new FakeList<String>(22);
// With this line instead, there is no error
// FakeList<String> list = new FakeList<String>(22);
out("length: " + list.size());
list.set(21, "abc");
out("element #21: " + list.get(21));
private static void out(String s)