[kaffe] generic collections
Matthias Pfisterer
Mon Jan 19 01:06:01 2004
I asked this before, but perhaps it was burried to deep into another mail:
how and when will kaffe handle the transition to a version of the
collection framework that uses generics?
I noticed that kjc can already handle generics. However, the propably
bigger problem might be the collection framework.
I noticed that kaffe uses the collection classes from classpath.
Therefore, I searched the classpath mailing list on this issue, but
found virtually nothing.
Perhapt I would volunteer for the task of recoding the collection framework.
Matthias Pfisterer <mailto:Matthias.Pfisterer@web.de>
Reuchlinstrasse 28 phone ++49-711-62 87 12
D-70176 Stuttgart (in Deutschland 0711-62 87 12)
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