[kaffe] Re: Characters and Bytes conversion
Ito Kazumitsu
Sun Jan 18 14:46:02 2004
I am going to take a move towards importing GNU Classpath's
java.io.InputStreamReader and java.io.OutputStreamReader
in the following way, and I would ike to hear your opinions.
>>>>> ":" == Ito Kazumitsu <kaz@maczuka.gcd.org> writes:
:> I experimentally imported GNU Classpath's java.io.InputStreamReader
:> and java.io.OutputStreamWriter and the result was successful.
:> This is what I did.
:> 1. Copy the following files from GNU Classpath and use them as they are.
:> gnu/java/io/encode/Encoder.java
:> gnu/java/io/decode/Decoder.java
:> 2. Copy the following file from GNU Classpath and modify it for
:> use with kaffe.
:> gnu/java/io/EncodingManager.java
:> 3. Copy the following files from GNU Classpath and change the
:> package name from "java.io" to "javatest.io".
:> java/io/InputStreamReader.java
:> java/io/OutputStreamWriter.java
:> 4. Make the following new files.
:> gnu/java/io/encode/KaffeEncoder.java
:> gnu/java/io/decode/KaffeDecoder.java
:> 5. Make a test program.
:> TestKaffeEncoding.java