[kaffe] heap memory increasing sundenly too much

Dalibor Topic robilad@kaffe.org
Wed Jan 14 21:22:02 2004

Hi Raja,

raja n wrote:
> hai,
>  heap Momory increasing sundenly.It's going 40%  to 10% imm.It's  not happening proper sequence. But it's increasing sundenly.

I hope that the behaviour of the gc will be clearer after the lecture of 
FAQ/FAQ.gcstrategy in the sources.

> run.bat: line 4:  1120 Aborted                 /usr/local/kaffe/bin/java -ss 120
> 0k -mx 16000k -ms 64k -as 900k -verbosegc yopydemo.Launcher $1

I'd recommend losing the -ms 64k option, honestly. Kaffe can't run with 
less than 5M of inital memory, afaik.

dalibor topic