Bug#210716: [kaffe] Re: Bug Status of Kaffe

Dalibor Topic robilad@kaffe.org
Fri Jan 2 19:52:02 2004

Ben Burton wrote:
> reassign 210716 gcj-3.3
> thanks
>>So basically, jython has been compiled by a buggy compiler ;)
> Confirmed: I've just uploaded a new jython package that builds using
> jikes-gij instead of gcj, and the problem goes away.  Of course jython
> still crashes with kaffe, but that's just the old "specifying JNI path
> loses bootstrap classes" problem that presumably will go away if and
> when somebody uploads a new kaffe to debian.
> It seems then that this bug belongs to the gcj-3.3 package, which was
> generating the incorrect bytecode.  I'm reassigning this accordingly.
> To anyone else trying to reproduce this bug: you'll want some version
> of jython between 2.1.0-11 and 2.1.0-15 inclusive (not the newer -16 in
> sid, which now builds using jikes-gij instead).  I've put the 2.1.0-15
> packages up at http://people.debian.org/~bab/bugs/ .

Analogously, I think Bug 197090 should be reassigned to gcj, as it's the 
same assertion triggered by a bug in the bytecode generated by gcj.

dalibor topic