[kaffe] Suggested applications to be added to "Compatibility - Application Testing"

Ito Kazumitsu kaz at maczuka.gcd.org
Fri Feb 20 15:36:01 PST 2004

>>>>> ":" == Ito Kazumitsu <kaz at maczuka.gcd.org> writes:

:> I added
:>     setProperty(p, "java.ext.dirs", "");
:> which is required by janino (http://www.janino.net/).

Why do I need another Java compiler when I already have kjc?

Because I am writing an application which generates a Java
source code and immediately compiles and runs it, where the
performance of the compiler is more important than the
completeness as a compiler.  And I find janino very useful
for this purpose.

Including janino, I suggest the following applications
be added to "Compatibility - Application Testing"

- Janino http://www.janino.net/

  Category: Software Development Tools
  Description: an embedded Java compiler

- SableCC http://www.sablecc.org/

  Category: Software Development Tools
  Description: Java parser generator

  I find JavaCC on the page "Compatibility - Application Testing"
  but I cannot find the source of JavaCC.  Is JavaCC still alive?
  I think SableCC is more useful than JavaCC.

- iText http://www.lowagie.com/iText/

  Category: Libraries
  Description: Java-PDF library.

Ito Kazumitsu   Hitachi, Ibaraki, JAPAN

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