[kaffe] Planning for 1.1.2 release - XAWT obsolete?
Dalibor Topic
Tue Sep 23 11:08:03 2003
Hallo Clemens,
Clemens Eisserer wrote:
>> Nope. GNU Classpath AWT integrating should happen for the 1.1.3.
> Does this mean the current kaffe-xawt implementation will be thrown away?
I hope we'll have some way of interfacing to 'kaffe-style' AWTs from the
past as well. We'll be able to see what can be done, when James and
Stephane have finished their efforts to port kaffe's Qt-Awt and Xlib-Awt
over to Classpath's peers. I hope we'll at least end up with some docs
on migrating your peerless AWT to GNU/Kaffe [1].
The intention for kaffe's AWT is to transform it to work with
Classpath's peers. It shouldn't be a problem to ship the 'old, but
working' AWT alongside it, and provide a compile time selection switch
--enable-old-awt that would compile the AWT libraries from different
> This was the best awt implemenation I´ve every seen, and I dont
> understand why gnu-classpath isnt based on this awt.
A) Incompabile licensing. Classpath is GPL + linking exception, kaffe is
GPL, so Classpath can not include code from Kaffe.
B) Copyright assignment. The author of kaffe's AWT, Transvirtual,
doesn't exist anymore, so there is noone who can transfer their
copyright to the FSF anyway.
Anyway, if you want to help make the transition to Classpath easier,
you're more than welcome to start looking at kaffe's and Classpath's
classes and to point out where things can be taken over from Classpath
already without breaking kaffe's AWT in any way. I've been doing this
off and on when I carved enough time for it, but my time is
unfortunately quite limited at the moment. So I'd very much appreciate
any effort to enhance what we have in kaffe already by replacing more of
the old code by code from Classpath where there are no negative effects.
dalibor topic
[1] Bad joke, I know.