[kaffe] Compile Kaffe for powerpc on linux(i386)

L J jl_list@yahoo.fr
Thu Nov 20 08:31:02 2003

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I'm a beginner in embedded systems.
I would like to compile Kaffe on my linux workstation (redhat 9 for i386) before to install Kaffe on my target : embedded linux for powerpc.
How can I compile Kaffe on my workstation ?
And after, how can I install on my embedded linux ?
Thanks for your answer.

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<DIV>I'm a beginner in embedded systems.</DIV>
<DIV>I would like to compile Kaffe on my linux workstation (redhat 9 for i386) before to install Kaffe on&nbsp;my target&nbsp;: embedded linux for powerpc.</DIV>
<DIV>How can I compile Kaffe on my workstation ?</DIV>
<DIV>And after, how can I install on my embedded linux ?</DIV>
<DIV>Thanks for your answer.</DIV>
<DIV>JL</DIV><p><br><hr size=1>Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse @yahoo.fr gratuite et en français !<br>
<a href=http://fr.mail.yahoo.com>Testez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail</a>