[kaffe] Re: LinkedList.subList severely broken
Daniel Bonniot
Daniel.Bonniot at inria.fr
Wed May 21 06:28:01 PDT 2003
I think I spotted the bug in the implementation of
java.util.LinkedListIterator. It keeps a reference to the current list
node, but in the construction, that reference is incorrect when index is
not 0.
I attach a simple fix.
-------------- next part --------------
Index: libraries/javalib/java/util/LinkedListIterator.java
RCS file: /cvs/kaffe/kaffe/libraries/javalib/java/util/LinkedListIterator.java,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 LinkedListIterator.java
--- libraries/javalib/java/util/LinkedListIterator.java 14 Jul 1999 00:53:24 -0000 1.1
+++ libraries/javalib/java/util/LinkedListIterator.java 21 May 2003 13:22:52 -0000
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@
LinkedListIterator(LinkedList list, int index) {
super(list, index);
elem = list.head;
+ // Position elem to the index'th element.
+ // We know that index is a valid index, because that was
+ // checked in the constructor in AbstractListIterator.
+ for (; index > 0; index--)
+ elem = elem.next;
public Object next() {
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