Release freeze tomorrow? (Was: Re: [kaffe] Re: Makefile for java.nio)

Jim Pick
Fri May 30 08:20:01 2003

On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 02:11, Dalibor Topic wrote:

> If we could get most of that done today, freeze tomorrow and create a rc1
> tarball, and release until the weekend, I'd be very impressed ;) Jim, do you
> have time to organize the release?

I've got time this weekend to cut the tarballs and put them up. 

Unfortunately, my time Monday to Friday is always in doubt (it sucks
having a job :-).

I'm assuming the -rc1 tarball is only to test the packaging.  Actually,
I wanted to see if I could take a crack at making "make dist" generate a
rt.jar and a  That project might take me a day, so I wouldn't
mind spending Saturday on it.

I want to do the release on Sunday.  That won't give us a lot of time to
test the -rc1 tarball.  But I want to call the 1.1.0 release a
"development release" anyways, even though it's probably going to be way
better than our current "production release" - 1.0.7.

I got the beginnings of a Jakarta Gump "continuous integration" system
going.  I hope to post my results later today...


 - Jim