[kaffe] with-rt-jar option for configure

Dalibor Topic robilad@yahoo.com
Fri May 23 06:10:02 2003

Hi Kiyo,

--- Kiyo Inaba <inaba@src.ricoh.co.jp> wrote:
> Hi dalibor,
> >That sounds cool to me. Could you post a patch?
> Because I am not so familiar to modifying configure, I am afraid
> whether I can do that or not. But I wil try this weekend. The file
> I have to modify is 'conofigure.in', am I right?

I think you should modify libraries/javalib/Makefile.am , the line where the
prebuilt rt.jar file is copied over to "." and modify it as you proposed. Then
run the developer/autogen.sh script in the top directory, and check if your
patch works. 

You'll need the latest automake (1.7.5) and autoconf (2.57) for that. I'd
recomment not replacing the current version of auto* tools on your system with
the latest one, since there are some incompatibilities between automake 1.7 and
1.4, for example, that could be problematic for projects that haven't upgraded
to the latest auto* tools yet.

happy patching,
dalibor topic

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