[kaffe] Re: LinkedList.subList severely broken

Dalibor Topic robilad@yahoo.com
Thu May 22 05:29:05 2003

Salut Daniel,

--- Daniel Bonniot <Daniel.Bonniot@inria.fr> wrote:

> I was quite surprised at the behaviour of the build system when some 
> code in a library class doesn't compile. It seems that the class (and 
> those that require it) are simply left out of rt.jar, but the build does 
> not fail. Is there a good reason to do this? I would prefer to see the 
> build fail.

Known bug, I just don't know how to fix it, my shell scripting skills are not
31337 enough ;) Please take a look at the class file compilation bit in
libraries/javalib/Makefile.am. Maybe you can come up with a way that prevents
the creation of rt.jar when a compilation in the for lop fails. Currently it
just proceeds ...

> Regarding Dalibor's patch queue status message: shouldn't my patch be 
> applied in any case (merge reverted or not). It fixes a class 
> (LinkedListIterator) which was not taken from Classpath. I don't know if 
> this bug hapened not be to exercised before, or was just undiscovered. 
> But the class is wrong anyway.

> What will happen to the testcase? Has it been / will it be added to 
> Kaffe testsuite (I have no idea what the format is)? Or better, to mauve 

added to kaffe's test suite.

> (I could do it, if I though anybody card to include it)? Does one of 

go ahead, Mauve hackers always welcome new tests.

> Kaffe's developer has write access on Mauve (that would seem to make 
> sense) ? Or is every VM mostly working on their own testsuite?

Mauve is the "cross-vm" compatibility test suite. It contains a ton of tests
for different aspects of class library functionality. Kaffe (and other VMs)
also usually have regression test suites to quickly detect resurfacing of known
bugs. It comes down to different purpose, different test suite. 

That being said, it would be nice to port some regression tests into
functionality tests for Mauve. I've been offered write access by Mauve hackers,
but I didn't have any time to undertake that task, so I turned that offer down.

If there is some interest in getting tests from kaffe into mauve, I could act
as a proxy. But I would prefer that someone else plays that role, since it's
better to spread out responsibilities. ;)

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