[kaffe] [Fwd: Bugs in Kaffe]

Hervé Roussain Herve.Roussain@univ-ubs.fr
Wed May 21 00:54:01 2003

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Subject: Bugs in Kaffe
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I wish to add some java classes in kaffe but I have some problems at the 
installation time.

I use a redhat 9.0 with autoconf 2.57, automake 1.6.3 and jikes 1.18

Problems :

1) script developers/autogen.sh :
	The option -Wall does not exist for automake and must be removed

Moreover, without the option -Wall for automake the 
developers/autogen.sh script returns the following messages
configure.in:1514: `automake requires `AM_CONFIG_HEADER', not 
Makefile.am:11: directory should not contain `/'
Makefile.am:11: directory should not contain `/'
Makefile.am:11: directory should not contain `/'

2) No problems with the following installation procedure :
	sh developers/autogen.sh
	make build-classes
   But with the following  does not work :
	sh developers/autogen.sh
	cd libraries/javalib/ ; make bootstrap ; cd ..
	make build-classes
../kaffe/kaffeh/kaffeh -classpath 
../libraries/javalib/Klasses.jar.bootstrap -o
kaffe_applet_AudioPlayer.h kaffe/applet/AudioPlayer
Failed to open object 'kaffe/applet/AudioPlayer'
make[2]: *** [stamp-h0all] Erreur 1
make[2]: Quitte le répertoire `/home/lesommer/devlpt/kaffe/include'
make[1]: *** [all] Erreur 2
make[1]: Quitte le répertoire `/home/lesommer/devlpt/kaffe/include'
make: *** [all-recursive] Erreur 1

Best regards,

