[kaffe] jBoss & Kaffe
Ronald Aigner
Wed May 14 00:20:02 2003
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On Tuesday 13 May 2003 18:54, Ronald Aigner wrote:
> And jBoss starts, I didn't try any of the applications yet. This will be my
> next step...
I gues I was a little bit too fast with this: I didn't find and "ERROR" string
in the debug log, and thus assumed no error occured.
If I run kaffe with jBoss without "-vmdebug ..." I get:
at java.lang.Class.getProtectionDomain(Class.java:305)
at org.jboss.Main.boot(Main.java:97)
at org.jboss.Main$1.run(Main.java:381)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:334)
If I sepcify some debug options, kaffe coredumps... I attached the last 500
lines just before the core dump. The log was generated using:
Where could I start looking?
Greetings Ron.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen/With regards
ra3 @ os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Content-Type: text/x-log;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="debug2.log"
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/Main,processCommandLine,([Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> success
@127: new 40
@130: dup
@131: aload 0
@132: getfield 20
@135: invokespecial 41
findMethodLocal(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,<init>,(Ljava/util/Properties;)V) -> 0x822e7e0
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,<init>,(Ljava/util/Properties;)V) -> success
@138: astore 4
@140: aload 4
@142: aload 0
@143: getfield 8
@146: invokevirtual 42
findMethodLocal(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,addLibraries,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> 0x822e880
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,addLibraries,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> success
@149: aload 4
@151: aload 0
@152: getfield 10
@155: invokevirtual 42
findMethodLocal(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,addLibraries,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> 0x822e880
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,addLibraries,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> success
@158: aload 4
@160: aload 0
@161: getfield 12
@164: invokevirtual 43
findMethodLocal(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,addLibrary,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> 0x822e830
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,addLibrary,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> success
@167: aload 0
@168: getfield 15
@171: invokeinterface 44
findMethodLocal(java/util/List,iterator,()Ljava/util/Iterator;) -> NOT FOUND
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Object,iterator,()Ljava/util/Iterator;) -> NOT FOUND
findMethodLocal(java/util/Collection,iterator,()Ljava/util/Iterator;) -> 0x8202100
getMethodSignatureClass(java/util/List,iterator,()Ljava/util/Iterator;) -> success
@176: astore 5
@178: goto 196
2ec: movl 28(esi),eax
2f2: movl -8(ebp),ecx
2f4: movl (eax),edx
2fa: movl 100(edx),edx
300: pushl 16(ebp)
302: pushl ecx
307: pushl #136494616
309: pushl eax
30b: call edx
311: addl 16,esp
317: movl 12(ebp),eax
31d: movl esi,-44(ebp)
323: movl eax,-40(ebp)
329: cmpl #0,esi
32f: jne L22
334: call ?
33a: pushl 16(ebp)
340: pushl -40(ebp)
346: pushl -44(ebp)
34c: call *8201698
352: addl 12,esp
357: pushl #136586720
35c: call ?
362: addl 4,esp
368: movl 28(esi),ecx
36e: movl eax,-44(ebp)
374: movl eax,-40(ebp)
37a: movl ecx,-36(ebp)
380: cmpl #0,eax
386: jne L25
38b: call ?
391: pushl 16(ebp)
397: pushl -36(ebp)
39d: pushl -40(ebp)
3a3: call *822e7f0
3a9: addl 12,esp
3af: movl -44(ebp),eax
3b1: movl eax,ebx
3b7: movl 8(esi),eax
3b9: movl (ebx),ecx
3bf: movl 32(ecx),ecx
3c5: pushl 16(ebp)
3c7: pushl eax
3c9: pushl ebx
3cb: call ecx
3d1: addl 12,esp
3d7: movl 12(esi),eax
3d9: movl (ebx),ecx
3df: movl 32(ecx),ecx
3e5: pushl 16(ebp)
3e7: pushl eax
3e9: pushl ebx
3eb: call ecx
3f1: addl 12,esp
3f7: movl 16(esi),eax
3f9: movl (ebx),ecx
3ff: movl 28(ecx),ecx
405: pushl 16(ebp)
407: pushl eax
409: pushl ebx
40b: call ecx
411: addl 12,esp
417: movl 20(esi),eax
41d: movl eax,-44(ebp)
422: pushl #3
427: pushl #136315264
429: pushl eax
42e: call ?
434: addl 12,esp
43a: pushl 16(ebp)
440: pushl -44(ebp)
442: call eax
448: addl 8,esp
44e: movl eax,-16(ebp)
453: jmpl L28
@181: aload 4
@183: aload 5
@185: invokeinterface 45
findMethodLocal(java/util/Iterator,next,()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> 0x8229068
getMethodSignatureClass(java/util/Iterator,next,()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> success
@190: checkcast 46
@193: invokevirtual 43
findMethodLocal(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,addLibrary,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> 0x822e830
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,addLibrary,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> success
459: movl -16(ebp),eax
45f: movl eax,-40(ebp)
464: pushl #1
469: pushl #136316864
46b: pushl eax
470: call ?
476: addl 12,esp
47c: pushl 16(ebp)
482: pushl -40(ebp)
484: call eax
48a: addl 8,esp
490: movl eax,-40(ebp)
492: pushl eax
497: pushl #135424576
49c: call ?
4a2: addl 8,esp
4a4: movl (ebx),ecx
4aa: movl 28(ecx),ecx
4b0: pushl 16(ebp)
4b2: pushl eax
4b4: pushl ebx
4b6: call ecx
4bc: addl 12,esp
@196: aload 5
@198: invokeinterface 47
findMethodLocal(java/util/Iterator,hasNext,()Z) -> 0x8229018
getMethodSignatureClass(java/util/Iterator,hasNext,()Z) -> success
@203: ifne 181
4c2: movl -16(ebp),eax
4c8: movl eax,-44(ebp)
4cd: pushl #0
4d2: pushl #136316864
4d4: pushl eax
4d9: call ?
4df: addl 12,esp
4e5: pushl 16(ebp)
4eb: pushl -44(ebp)
4ed: call eax
4f3: addl 8,esp
4f9: cmpl #0,eax
4ff: jne 0x453
@206: aload 0
@207: getfield 16
@210: invokeinterface 44
findMethodLocal(java/util/List,iterator,()Ljava/util/Iterator;) -> NOT FOUND
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Object,iterator,()Ljava/util/Iterator;) -> NOT FOUND
findMethodLocal(java/util/Collection,iterator,()Ljava/util/Iterator;) -> 0x8202100
getMethodSignatureClass(java/util/List,iterator,()Ljava/util/Iterator;) -> success
@215: astore 6
@217: goto 235
505: movl 24(esi),eax
50b: movl eax,-44(ebp)
510: pushl #3
515: pushl #136315264
517: pushl eax
51c: call ?
522: addl 12,esp
528: pushl 16(ebp)
52e: pushl -44(ebp)
530: call eax
536: addl 8,esp
53c: movl eax,-20(ebp)
541: jmpl L34
@220: aload 4
@222: aload 6
@224: invokeinterface 45
findMethodLocal(java/util/Iterator,next,()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> 0x8229068
getMethodSignatureClass(java/util/Iterator,next,()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> success
@229: checkcast 48
@232: invokevirtual 49
findMethodLocal(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,addURL,(Ljava/net/URL;)V) -> 0x822e8d0
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,addURL,(Ljava/net/URL;)V) -> success
547: movl -20(ebp),eax
54d: movl eax,-40(ebp)
552: pushl #1
557: pushl #136316864
559: pushl eax
55e: call ?
564: addl 12,esp
56a: pushl 16(ebp)
570: pushl -40(ebp)
572: call eax
578: addl 8,esp
57e: movl eax,-40(ebp)
580: pushl eax
585: pushl #136586080
58a: call ?
590: addl 8,esp
592: movl (ebx),ecx
598: movl 36(ecx),ecx
59e: pushl 16(ebp)
5a0: pushl eax
5a2: pushl ebx
5a4: call ecx
5aa: addl 12,esp
@235: aload 6
@237: invokeinterface 47
findMethodLocal(java/util/Iterator,hasNext,()Z) -> 0x8229018
getMethodSignatureClass(java/util/Iterator,hasNext,()Z) -> success
@242: ifne 220
5b0: movl -20(ebp),eax
5b6: movl eax,-44(ebp)
5bb: pushl #0
5c0: pushl #136316864
5c2: pushl eax
5c7: call ?
5cd: addl 12,esp
5d3: pushl 16(ebp)
5d9: pushl -44(ebp)
5db: call eax
5e1: addl 8,esp
5e7: cmpl #0,eax
5ed: jne 0x541
@245: invokestatic 50
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Thread,currentThread,()Ljava/lang/Thread;) -> 0x81a0330
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/Thread,currentThread,()Ljava/lang/Thread;) -> success
@248: invokevirtual 51
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Thread,getContextClassLoader,()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;) -> 0x81a1000
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/Thread,getContextClassLoader,()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;) -> success
@251: astore 7
@253: aload 4
@255: aload 7
@257: invokevirtual 52
findMethodLocal(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,load,(Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Lorg/jboss/system/server/Server;) -> 0x822e9c0
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/system/server/ServerLoader,load,(Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Lorg/jboss/system/server/Server;) -> success
@260: astore 8
@262: aload 8
@264: aload 0
@265: getfield 20
@268: invokeinterface 53
findMethodLocal(org/jboss/system/server/Server,init,(Ljava/util/Properties;)V) -> 0x822e3f8
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/system/server/Server,init,(Ljava/util/Properties;)V) -> success
@273: aload 8
@275: invokeinterface 54
findMethodLocal(org/jboss/system/server/Server,getConfig,()Lorg/jboss/system/server/ServerConfig;) -> 0x822e448
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/system/server/Server,getConfig,()Lorg/jboss/system/server/ServerConfig;) -> success
@280: astore 9
@282: aload 9
@284: iconst 1
@285: invokeinterface 55
findMethodLocal(org/jboss/system/server/ServerConfig,setExitOnShutdown,(Z)V) -> 0x824a420
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/system/server/ServerConfig,setExitOnShutdown,(Z)V) -> success
@290: aload 8
@292: invokeinterface 56
findMethodLocal(org/jboss/system/server/Server,start,()V) -> 0x822e498
getMethodSignatureClass(org/jboss/system/server/Server,start,()V) -> success
@297: return
5f3: pushl 16(ebp)
5f8: call ?
5fe: addl 4,esp
600: movl (eax),ecx
606: movl 76(ecx),ecx
60c: pushl 16(ebp)
60e: pushl eax
610: call ecx
616: addl 8,esp
618: movl (ebx),ecx
61e: movl 48(ecx),ecx
624: pushl 16(ebp)
626: pushl eax
628: pushl ebx
62e: movl eax,-24(ebp)
630: call ecx
636: addl 12,esp
63c: movl 28(esi),ecx
642: movl eax,-44(ebp)
648: movl ecx,-40(ebp)
64e: movl eax,-28(ebp)
653: pushl #0
658: pushl #136587040
65a: pushl eax
65f: call ?
665: addl 12,esp
66b: pushl 16(ebp)
671: pushl -40(ebp)
677: pushl -44(ebp)
679: call eax
67f: addl 12,esp
685: movl -28(ebp),eax
68b: movl eax,-44(ebp)
690: pushl #1
695: pushl #136587040
697: pushl eax
69c: call ?
6a2: addl 12,esp
6a8: pushl 16(ebp)
6ae: pushl -44(ebp)
6b0: call eax
6b6: addl 8,esp
6bc: movl eax,-44(ebp)
6c2: movl eax,-32(ebp)
6c7: pushl #13
6cc: pushl #136587200
6ce: pushl eax
6d3: call ?
6d9: addl 12,esp
6df: pushl 16(ebp)
6e4: pushl #1
6ea: pushl -44(ebp)
6ec: call eax
6f2: addl 12,esp
6f8: movl -28(ebp),eax
6fe: movl eax,-44(ebp)
703: pushl #2
708: pushl #136587040
70a: pushl eax
70f: call ?
715: addl 12,esp
71b: pushl 16(ebp)
721: pushl -44(ebp)
723: call eax
729: addl 8,esp
72e: jmpl L44
72f: popl ebx
72f: popl esi
72f: popl edi
72f: movl ebp,esp
72f: popl ebp
730: ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating org/jboss/Main.boot([Ljava/lang/String;)V (normal) 0x824a7f0
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x824a7f0
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x8201778, where 0x8201788
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Class,forName,(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;) -> 0x8151060
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/Class,forName,(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;) -> success
findMethodLocal(java/lang/ClassNotFoundException,getMessage,()Ljava/lang/String;) -> NOT FOUND
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Exception,getMessage,()Ljava/lang/String;) -> NOT FOUND
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Throwable,getMessage,()Ljava/lang/String;) -> 0x8178a70
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/ClassNotFoundException,getMessage,()Ljava/lang/String;) -> success
findMethodLocal(java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError,<init>,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> 0x815ac88
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError,<init>,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> success
callinfo = 0x8237a40
Method: org/jboss/Main.class$(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
L0: 1 L1: 1
@0: aload 0
@1: invokestatic 1
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Class,forName,(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;) -> 0x8151060
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/Class,forName,(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;) -> success
@4: areturn
c: pushl ebp
c: movl esp,ebp
c: subl #?,esp
c: pushl edi
c: pushl esi
c: pushl ebx
12: movl 8(ebp),ebx
18: movl 12(ebp),eax
1a: cmpl esp,eax
20: jugt +5
25: call soft_stackoverflow
27: pushl eax
29: pushl ebx
2e: call ?
34: addl 8,esp
39: jmpl L3
3f: movl eax,-16(ebp)
@5: astore 1
@6: new 3
@9: dup
@10: aload 1
@11: invokevirtual 4
findMethodLocal(java/lang/ClassNotFoundException,getMessage,()Ljava/lang/String;) -> NOT FOUND
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Exception,getMessage,()Ljava/lang/String;) -> NOT FOUND
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Throwable,getMessage,()Ljava/lang/String;) -> 0x8178a70
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/ClassNotFoundException,getMessage,()Ljava/lang/String;) -> success
@14: invokespecial 5
findMethodLocal(java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError,<init>,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> 0x815ac88
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError,<init>,(Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> success
@17: athrow
4f: movl ebp,ecx
4f: subl #?,ecx
4f: subl #3*SLOTSIZE,ecx
4f: movl ecx,esp
55: movl -4(ebp),esi
5b: movl 8(ebp),ebx
5d: movl eax,esi
63: movl esi,-4(ebp)
68: pushl #135390048
6d: call ?
73: addl 4,esp
79: movl eax,-16(ebp)
7f: movl eax,-12(ebp)
85: movl esi,-8(ebp)
87: movl (esi),eax
8d: movl 44(eax),eax
93: pushl 12(ebp)
95: pushl esi
97: call eax
9d: addl 8,esp
a3: movl eax,-8(ebp)
a9: movl -12(ebp),ecx
af: cmpl #0,ecx
b5: jne L6
ba: call ?
c0: pushl 12(ebp)
c6: pushl -8(ebp)
cc: pushl -12(ebp)
d2: movl esi,-4(ebp)
d8: call *815ac98
de: addl 12,esp
e4: pushl -16(ebp)
e9: call ?
ef: addl 4,esp
f5: popl ebx
f5: popl esi
f5: popl edi
f5: movl ebp,esp
f5: popl ebp
f6: ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating org/jboss/Main.class$(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class; (static) 0x8244208
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x8244208
newObject 0x8243790 class java/lang/Class$CallStack
newArray 0x8227ae0 class [Ljava/lang/Class; count 9
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x8151a60, where 0x8151a70
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Class,getClassLoader,()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;) -> 0x8151150
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/Class,getClassLoader,()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;) -> success
findMethodLocal(java/lang/ClassLoader,getProtectionDomain,(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/security/ProtectionDomain;) -> 0x811d880
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/ClassLoader,getProtectionDomain,(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/security/ProtectionDomain;) -> success
callinfo = 0x8237a40
Method: java/lang/Class.getProtectionDomain()Ljava/security/ProtectionDomain;
L0: 1
@0: aload 0
@1: invokevirtual 213
findMethodLocal(java/lang/Class,getClassLoader,()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;) -> 0x8151150
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/Class,getClassLoader,()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;) -> success
@4: aload 0
@5: invokevirtual 227
findMethodLocal(java/lang/ClassLoader,getProtectionDomain,(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/security/ProtectionDomain;) -> 0x811d880
getMethodSignatureClass(java/lang/ClassLoader,getProtectionDomain,(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/security/ProtectionDomain;) -> success
@8: areturn
c: pushl ebp
c: movl esp,ebp
c: subl #?,esp
c: pushl edi
c: pushl esi
c: pushl ebx
12: movl 8(ebp),ebx
18: movl 12(ebp),eax
1a: cmpl esp,eax
20: jugt +5
25: call soft_stackoverflow
2b: movl ebx,-8(ebp)
31: cmpl #0,ebx
37: jne L2
3c: call ?
42: pushl 12(ebp)
48: pushl -8(ebp)
4d: call ?
53: addl 8,esp
55: movl (eax),ecx
5b: movl 76(ecx),ecx
61: pushl 12(ebp)
63: pushl ebx
65: pushl eax
67: call ecx
6d: addl 12,esp
72: jmpl L5
73: popl ebx
73: popl esi
73: popl edi
73: movl ebp,esp
73: popl ebp
74: ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating java/lang/Class.getProtectionDomain()Ljava/security/ProtectionDomain; (normal) 0x81f0dc8
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x81f0dc8