[kaffe] java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: not enough memory

Ito Kazumitsu kaz@maczuka.gcd.org
Mon May 12 15:22:01 2003


>>>>> ":" == Timothy Stack <stack@cs.utah.edu> writes:

>> bash-2.05b$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/kaffe/jre/lib/i386 java org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager        
>> kaffe-bin in realloc(): warning: pointer to wrong page
>> kaffe-bin in realloc(): warning: pointer to wrong page

:> I think I saw this when debugging the OpenBSD problem, the libltdl was
:> acting a little funny.  So, can you update, configure and rebuild again.

Yes, I did so.

bash-2.05b$ kaffe -fullversion 2>&1 | grep ChangeLog
  ChangeLog head: 2003-05-11 Marc Kleine-Budde <kleine-budde@gmx.de>

But it still shows:

kaffe-bin in realloc(): warning: pointer to wrong page
kaffe-bin in realloc(): warning: pointer to wrong page
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: [exception was java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: not enough memory
Adding its directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH may help.]