[kaffe] [patch] Applet parameters parsing error

Fabio.di.Fabio abel at lmib.org
Tue Jul 15 08:45:02 PDT 2003


I am testing kaffe from cvs with the demo applet from the JDK, and I have
found that the appletviewer don't parse correctly parameter names and
values that are inside single (') or double (") quote.
You can try this error with the BarChart applet.

I've attached a simple patch that seems to solve this bug.


Don't throw anything out of the windows,
but throw Windows out of everything. (abel)
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Name: applet_tag.patch
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Url : http://pogo.kaffe.org/pipermail/kaffe/attachments/20030715/59d0498b/applet_tag.obj

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