[kaffe] NetBSD fails

Dalibor Topic robilad@yahoo.com
Thu Jul 10 03:41:02 2003

Ciao Riccardo,

--- WhiteGandalf <zuse@libero.it> wrote:
> Hello,
> as once Dalibtor requested, I tried to check out  the 68k platform. Ince 
> I updated to the latest NetBSD (1.6.1) and during the update process 
> something went wrong, I reinstalled everything, this is why I had an 
> absecne.
> Well I checked out CVS yesterday, waited faithfully all the hours to 
> complete the configure (due to the command-line length bug) and started 
> making.

thanks for putting all that effort in.
> it stops very soon with:
> ./kaffe/kaffeh/kaffeh -classpath ../libraries/javalib/Klasses.jar.
> bootstrap -o java_lang_Class.h java/lang/Class
> assertion "((buf == NULL) && (len == 0)) || ((buf != NULL) && (len != 0))
> " failed: file "../kaffevm/file.h", line 70, function "classFileInit"
> Abort trap - core dumped
> *** Error code 134
> any hints,

I've never seen that error before (i.e. in the last year since I joined ;)

In the meantime, I've updated Klasses.jar.bootstrap a few times, so it may work
with the new version (if it's another jikes-vs-kjc-java-compiler-bug). If it
doesn't, then you'd have to do some debugging. Check out FAQ.debugging for a
start. then do the magic

./configure --prefix=/tmp/kaffe ; make -k ; make -k install

which should put a broken, but runnable kaffeh in /tmp/kaffe/bin/kaffeh . run 

/tmp/kaffe/bin/kaffeh -classpath ../libraries/javalib/Klasses.jar.bootstrap -o
java_lang_Class.h java/lang/Class 

in the debugger of your choice, and try to see which one of the two error
conditions in the assertion happened. Try to figure out why it happens: is the
Klasses.jar.bootstrap subtly broken? Is it a bug in kaffe's class loading code,
that manifests itself only on m68k-netbsd? Try turning off optimizations in
config/m68k/netbsd/config.frag and see if it helps. And keep in touch with the
mailing list, since debugging kaffe for the first time can be quite weird ;)

best of luck,
dalibor topic

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