[kaffe] [Fwd: Kaffe Bug RMI]

Hervé Roussain Herve.Roussain@univ-ubs.fr
Tue Jul 8 06:01:01 2003

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Hi all,
I have some problems to use rmi with the current CVS kaffe version.

Firstly, the "bind" or "rebind" method in the class java.rmi.Naming=20
seems to delete the first
character of the server's name.

Secondly, the rmic does not work because it does not find java Classes.=20
I think the ClassLoader
does not work correctly.

The error is the following :

rmic mathImpl
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: mathImpl
         at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:native)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:44)
         at kaffe.rmi.rmic.RMIC.findClass(RMIC.java:149)
         at kaffe.rmi.rmic.RMIC.analyzeClass(RMIC.java:115)
         at kaffe.rmi.rmic.RMIC.processClass(RMIC.java:84)
         at kaffe.rmi.rmic.RMIC.run(RMIC.java:73)
         at kaffe.rmi.rmic.RMIC.main(RMIC.java:52)
Caused by: <null cause>

Best regards,
-- Nicolas Le Sommer -------------------------------------
Universit=E9 de Bretagne Sud -- Laboratoire Valoria
Campus de Tohannic, 56000 Vannes, France
Email : mailto:Nicolas.Le-Sommer@univ-ubs.fr
Web   : http://www.univ-ubs.fr/valoria/Nicolas.Le-Sommer
Tel   : 02 97 01 72 45  --  Fax : 02 97 01 72 00
