[kaffe] JIT3 on M68k Platform (Amiga/Linux)

Kiyo Inaba inaba@src.ricoh.co.jp
Wed Jul 2 03:46:02 2003


Still jit3 for m68k does not work properly, but one small improvements.
After 2002/11/12, even HelloWorldApp.class does not print any proper
output, and I checked what was changed at that time. There are many
changes in one day, but finally I found new 'ConverterAlias.java'
introduced this problem. Of course, I don't say that is a fault of
this java code. The mod is just add several method call in initialization
and it destroys jitter of m68k... If I use old class file for this, then
until 2003/5/15 version works for jit3 (except KJC itself).

I will check why it happens in the week end, if I finish to install
m68k-netbsd quickly.
