[kaffe] Kaffe CVS: kaffe stack

Kaffe CVS kaffe@kaffe.org
Tue Jul 1 08:59:01 2003

CVSROOT:	/cvs/kaffe
Module name:	kaffe
Changes by:	stack	03/07/01 08:56:57

Modified files:
	.              : ChangeLog configure configure.in 
	kaffe/kaffevm/jit3: basecode.c basecode.h icode.c registers.h 

Log message:
2003-07-01  Timothy S. Stack <stack@cs.utah.edu>

* configure.in:
Autoheader doesn't understand --localdir anymore.

* kaffe/kaffevm/jit3/basecode.c,
Load/Store float constants as floats and not doubles, otherwise
the jitted code will read floats from the constant pool that were
stored as doubles.

Reported by: Gerlando Falauto <iurly@writeme.com>