[kaffe] Kaffe CVS: kaffe dalibor

Kaffe CVS kaffe@kaffe.org
Wed Feb 12 15:53:02 2003

CVSROOT:	/cvs/kaffe
Module name:	kaffe
Changes by:	dalibor	03/02/12 15:51:56

Modified files:
	.              : ChangeLog 
	config/i386/oskit: mkimage.sh 
	kaffe/kaffevm/systems/oskit-pthreads: jthread.h 

Log message:
2003-02-12 Timothy S Stack <stack@cs.utah.edu>

* config/i386/oskit/mkimage.sh:
Fix the paths used to build the kernel image.
(e.g. libexec/Kaffe -> jre/bin/kaffe-bin)

* kaffe/kaffevm/systems/oskit-pthreads/jthread.h:
Add jthread_relaxstack() function.