[kaffe] ByteToCharIconv/CharToByteIconv

Atsushi Nemoto anemo at mba.ocn.ne.jp
Thu Dec 11 05:47:01 PST 2003

Does ByteToCharIconv/CharToByteIconv work on little endian system?

On my little endian system, iconv with "UCS-2" acts as "UCS-2LE", so
additional swab in those classes is not needed.

Here is a patch.  Without this patch, I could not use SHIFT_JIS

diff -ur kaffe-1.1.3.org/libraries/clib/native/ByteToCharIconv.c kaffe-1.1.3/libraries/clib/native/ByteToCharIconv.c
--- kaffe-1.1.3.org/libraries/clib/native/ByteToCharIconv.c	Wed May  7 00:24:08 2003
+++ kaffe-1.1.3/libraries/clib/native/ByteToCharIconv.c	Thu Dec 11 13:44:13 2003
@@ -41,7 +41,11 @@
     iconv_t cd;
     str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, enc, 0);
-    cd = iconv_open ("UCS-2", (char *)str);
+    cd = iconv_open ("UCS-2BE", (char *)str);
+    cd = iconv_open ("UCS-2LE", (char *)str);
     (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, enc, str);
     if (cd != (iconv_t)-1) {
 	(*env)->SetObjectField(env, _this, cd_id, (jobject)cd);
@@ -74,25 +78,7 @@
     size_t	icv_outlen = toLen * 2;
     iconv_t	cd = (iconv_t) (*env)->GetObjectField(env, _this, cd_id);
     int		ret;
-    char	*buffer;
-    if (icv_outlen == 0) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    buffer = KMALLOC (icv_outlen);
-    if (!buffer) {
-	jclass oom;
-	(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, fromBytes, jb, JNI_ABORT);
-	(*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, toChars, jc, 0);
-	oom = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java.lang.OutOfMemory");
-	(*env)->ThrowNew(env, oom, "iconv()");
-    }
-    icv_out = buffer;
     ret = iconv (cd, &icv_in, &icv_inlen, &icv_out, &icv_outlen);
     if (ret < 0) {
 	/* convert the begining of an invalid  multibyte  sequence to '?' */
@@ -104,10 +90,6 @@
 		icv_outlen -= 2;
-    swab (buffer, jc + toPos, toLen * 2 - icv_outlen);
-    KFREE (buffer);
     if (icv_inlen > 0) {
 	/* In case we have some bytes left, save them */
 	(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, _this, carry_id,
diff -ur kaffe-1.1.3.org/libraries/clib/native/CharToByteIconv.c kaffe-1.1.3/libraries/clib/native/CharToByteIconv.c
--- kaffe-1.1.3.org/libraries/clib/native/CharToByteIconv.c	Wed May  7 00:24:08 2003
+++ kaffe-1.1.3/libraries/clib/native/CharToByteIconv.c	Thu Dec 11 13:43:54 2003
@@ -39,7 +39,11 @@
     iconv_t cd;
     str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, enc, 0);
-    cd = iconv_open ((char *)str, "UCS-2");
+    cd = iconv_open ((char *)str, "UCS-2BE");
+    cd = iconv_open ((char *)str, "UCS-2LE");
     (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, enc, str);
     if (cd != (iconv_t)-1) {
 	(*env)->SetObjectField(env, _this, cd_id, (jobject)cd);
@@ -72,32 +76,8 @@
     size_t	icv_outlen = toLen;
     iconv_t	cd = (iconv_t) (*env)->GetObjectField(env, _this, cd_id);
     int		ret;
-    char	*buffer;
-    if (icv_inlen > 0) {
-	buffer = KMALLOC (icv_inlen);
-	if (!buffer) {
-	    jclass oom;
-	    (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, fromChars, jc, JNI_ABORT);
-	    (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, toBytes, jb, 0);
-	    oom = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java.lang.OutOfMemory");
-	    (*env)->ThrowNew(env, oom, "iconv()");
-	}
-	swab (icv_in, buffer, icv_inlen);
-	icv_in = buffer;
-    }
-    else {
-	buffer = NULL;
-    }
     ret = iconv (cd, &icv_in, &icv_inlen, &icv_out, &icv_outlen);
-    KFREE (buffer);
     if (icv_inlen > 0) {
 	/* In case we have some bytes left, save them */
 	(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, _this, carry_id,
Atsushi Nemoto

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