[kaffe] A request for info. on a 64-bit JVM (preferably for AMD) architecture for Linux

Dalibor Topic robilad@kaffe.org
Wed Dec 10 07:02:02 2003

Hi Aziz,

Khawaja, Aziz wrote:
> Yes, x86_64 version would be OK, I guess. As fas as jitter is concerned, I can find out from our Java development team if they happily like to add a jit on the architecture. Is there any documentation about the source code and build avalable?

That would be great!

You can find docs on kaffe's internals in the FAQ directory of the 
tarball, as well online at http://www.kaffe.org/documentation.shtml . 
The web page also contains links to various docs on kaffe's internals on 
other sites. Some of those would be of a special interest to people 
hacking on kaffe's internals, like writing a new jitter ;)

dalibor topic