[kaffe] jvmpi

Timothy Stack stack at cs.utah.edu
Sat Aug 30 17:06:02 PDT 2003

> hi,
> I've checked in some JVMPI stuff.  Its not completely done yet, but its 
> a pretty good start.  I'll try and get it finish RSN.  Hopefully, i 
> didn't break anything...

Real soon now indeed...

The last checkin gets things a bit farther, atleast for the
jit3/unix-jthreads configuration.  I can run the tracer for the
"Extensible Java Profiler" and get reasonable output for method traces,
but the class loader trace does not seem to work.  You can get EJP here:


I've only run the tracer library in kaffe though, I ran the "presenter" 
interface using jdk1.4.



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