[kaffe] Re: Please update kaffe in FreeBSD ports collection

Ito Kazumitsu kaz@maczuka.gcd.org
Sun Aug 3 10:15:04 2003

>>>>> ":" == Mark Huizer <xaa@timewasters.nl> writes:

:> Please see the attachment, for a first attempt at a new port:
:> kaffe-devel.
:> This should install the new kaffe.

Thank you for your efforts.  I am trying to make kaffe using
your port.  But unfortunately, I am not familiar with the
ports system and have not been sucessful yet.

:> A few things are still to be sorted out, not sure when I will do that:

:> * is this still jdk1.2? Couldn't find that in the releasenotes

As stated in http://www.kaffe.org/ , Kaffe is not Java.
Kaffe developers will try to implement JDK 1.4 features
if need be,  but less important features may be left untoched.