Interesting results...

Stuart Ballard sballard at NetReach.Net
Thu Mar 21 06:41:44 PST 2002

Erik Corry wrote:
> As far as I can see Jikes 1.13 is the one that works.  The
> alternative is to actually find the bug, probably somewhere
> in the verifier.  I tried running with ElectriFence and it
> made no difference, so I don't think it's a malloc bug.

No, the bug is in jikes. Jikes 1.15 is completely broken, jikes 1.15b
fixes some of the errors but leaves in at least one major one:
VerifyErrors on any constructor of a non-static inner class that is
either non-public or calls this(). I've also heard bad things about
jikes 1.14, but didn't hit any of those personally.

I recommend requiring specifically jikes 1.13 until 1.16 comes out.


Stuart Ballard, Programmer
NetReach - Internet Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

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