[kaffe] PS2/Linux patch take 5

Dylan Schell dylans@xs4all.nl
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 01:43:38 +0200

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Since the THREADSTACKSIZE using the default value is
seems to be reasonably normal (output of StackSizer)
Overflowed at 1239
Overflowed at 59

I removed the changes in config/mips/threads.h
(I was under the impression that this had to do
with register size, but apparantly the impact is
smaller than I initially thought. (and since the PS2
is limited to "only" 32 MB, memory is certainly at
a premium.

I also added a small comment to config/mips.common.h
explaining some of the PS2's "weirdness"

Hope this will be the last change for today :-)

Dylan Schell

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diff -r -c3 kaffe-1.0.7-rc1/config/mips/common.h kaffe-1.0.7-rc1-ps2/config/mips/common.h
*** kaffe-1.0.7-rc1/config/mips/common.h	Wed Mar  7 11:38:17 2001
--- kaffe-1.0.7-rc1-ps2/config/mips/common.h	Mon Jun 17 01:08:31 2002
*** 15,20 ****
--- 15,32 ----
  #ifndef __mips_common_h
  #define __mips_common_h
+ /* The R5900 is the Mips Core in the PS2 (Playstation 2)
+  * It has most of the Mips III instructions set, some of the Mips IV 
+  * instructions, it lacks the Mips II "ll" and "sc" instructions and 
+  * it has 128 bit GP registers and 32 bit FPU registers. There is no 
+  * FPU Emulation present in the default kernel. Since no 64 bit
+  * FPU registers exist, doubles are passed in 2 GP registers.
+  */
+ #ifdef _R5900
+ #define PS2LINUX
+ #endif
  #if NEED_sysdepCallMethod
  #if !defined (_MIPS_SIM) || (_MIPS_SIM == _MIPS_SIM_ABI32)
diff -r -c3 kaffe-1.0.7-rc1/config/mips/linux/md.h kaffe-1.0.7-rc1-ps2/config/mips/linux/md.h
*** kaffe-1.0.7-rc1/config/mips/linux/md.h	Mon Sep  6 23:44:39 1999
--- kaffe-1.0.7-rc1-ps2/config/mips/linux/md.h	Mon Jun 17 01:00:23 2002
*** 21,26 ****
--- 21,31 ----
  #define	SP_OFFSET	1
  #define	FP_OFFSET	10
+ #ifdef PS2LINUX
+ #undef	FP_OFFSET
+ #define	FP_OFFSET	36
+ #endif
  #if defined(TRANSLATOR)
  #include "jit-md.h"
*** 28,34 ****
--- 33,43 ----
  /* Signal handling */
+ #ifdef PS2LINUX
+ #include <signal.h>
+ #else
  #include <sigcontext.h>
+ #endif
  /* Define the entry into a signal handler */
  #define EXCEPTIONPROTO  int sig, int c1, int c2, int c3, int c4, int c5, int c6, int c7, struct sigcontext ctx
diff -r -c3 kaffe-1.0.7-rc1/config/mips/mips.c kaffe-1.0.7-rc1-ps2/config/mips/mips.c
*** kaffe-1.0.7-rc1/config/mips/mips.c	Fri Oct 15 03:38:46 1999
--- kaffe-1.0.7-rc1-ps2/config/mips/mips.c	Mon Jun 17 00:59:46 2002
*** 19,25 ****
--- 19,31 ----
  #include "object.h"
  #include "support.h"
  #include "../../kaffe/kaffevm/thread.h"
+ #include "common.h"
+ #ifdef PS2LINUX
+ #  include "jit.h"
+ int maxArgs;
+ int isStatic;
+ #endif
  extern int maxArgs;
  extern int isStatic;
diff -r -c3 kaffe-1.0.7-rc1/config/mips/o32-sysdepCallMethod.h kaffe-1.0.7-rc1-ps2/config/mips/o32-sysdepCallMethod.h
*** kaffe-1.0.7-rc1/config/mips/o32-sysdepCallMethod.h	Thu Apr 15 20:19:31 1999
--- kaffe-1.0.7-rc1-ps2/config/mips/o32-sysdepCallMethod.h	Mon Jun 17 00:57:44 2002
*** 103,110 ****
--- 103,120 ----
      register ARG_TYPE a2 asm("$6");
      register ARG_TYPE a3 asm("$7");
+ #ifdef PS2LINUX
+     union {
+         double d;
+         struct {
+             int hi;
+             int lo;
+         } fake_double;
+     } split;
+ #else
      register double d0 asm("$f12");
      register double d2 asm("$f14");
+ #endif
      register float f0 asm("$f12");
      register float f2 asm("$f14");
*** 129,135 ****
--- 139,151 ----
        if (calltype[2] == D) {
+ #ifdef PS2LINUX
+           split.d = callargs[2].d;
+           a2 = split.fake_double.hi;
+           a3 = split.fake_double.lo;
+ #else
  	  d2 = callargs[2].d;
+ #endif
  	  goto alldouble_2;
*** 154,160 ****
--- 170,183 ----
    case 2:
        if (calltype[0] == D) {
+ #ifdef PS2LINUX
+           /* move double into a0/a1 */
+           split.d = callargs[0].d;
+           a0 = split.fake_double.hi;
+           a1 = split.fake_double.lo;
+ #else
+ #endif
        } else {
  	  if (calltype[0] != F) {
*** 183,189 ****
--- 206,216 ----
      /* Ensure that the assignments to f* registers won't be optimized away. */
+ #ifdef PS2LINUX
+     asm ("" :: "f" (f0), "f" (f2));
+ #else
      asm ("" :: "f" (f0), "f" (f2), "f" (d0), "f" (d2));
+ #endif
      switch(call->retsize) {
      case 0:
