[kaffe] Kaffe CVS: kaffe jim
Kaffe CVS
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 19:19:44 -0700
CVSROOT: /cvs/kaffe
Module name: kaffe
Changes by: jim 02/07/19 19:19:44
Modified files:
. : ChangeLog
libraries/javalib: Klasses.jar.bootstrap Makefile.am Makefile.in
bootstrap.classlist rebuildLib.in
Log message:
* Rebuilding the classes takes forever on my 16MB
NetBSD box (it hits swap pretty hard). So I limited
the max heap size when using kjc to 32MB, and cranked
up the verbosity.
* libraries/javalib/rebuildLib.in: Tweaked memory
settings for kjc and increased verbosity.
* libraries/javalib/Makefile.am: Don't hide output
when compiling classes.
* libraries/javalib/bootstrap.classlist,
libraries/javalib/Klasses.jar.bootstrap: Added
a few classes needed to run kjc with the -v option.