[kaffe] Hjava_lang_Thread to nativeThread

Godmar Back gback at cs.utah.edu
Thu Aug 15 09:31:47 PDT 2002

> Hi,
> 	I'd like to know the way to reference the nativeThread from the 
> Hjava_lang_Thread name space. I know that the nativeThread struct has a 
> rthread member which is the object Hjava_lang_Thread. What I would need is a 
> way to do the opposite. 

The PrivateInfo field has that pointer, at least in jthreads.
Look at the code in thread.c

> 	Also I dont know if there's already something like that but is there a way 
> to know what threads were started by another thread. ie: thread A starts 
> thread B and thread C, is there any way to get references to B and C from the 
> thread A struct ???

No, there's no way to do that.
I'd use thread groups if that's possible.

	- Godmar

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