[kaffe] unix-pthreads accept timeout
Godmar Back
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 08:02:51 -0600 (MDT)
> Plus jthreadedAccept as a timeout passed as an argument. It works perfectly
> in the unix-jthreads version.
Right, I wouldn't have implemented it there if it hadn't been
> > (On a more general note, the interface contract of the jsyscall stuff
> > is that you don't pass in arbitrary or arbitrarily modded file descriptors,
> > you pass the fds you get from jthreadedSocket/Open/Accept etc.
> > A minimum of encapsulation doesn't hurt.)
> Do you mean that I should write a function that waits for the timeout instead
> of having the select() code directly in the jthreadedAccept function?
Just remove the test whether it's nonblocking in your patch.
Assume that it's a fd return from a jthreaded* function, which
is blocking. Other than that, select() might just work in
- Godmar