java/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError: file not found

Patrick Tullmann tullmann at
Wed Jun 27 09:31:43 PDT 2001

> I compiled Kaffe with static libraries and there installed only the
> following files of Kaffe's build files:

You need to install all the silly .la files for each "dynamic library" 
so that the libtool goo knows that the "dynamic libraries" were
statically linked.  At least, that's what we do for the OSKit builds.

The error message should probably be improved to indicate what file
wasn't found, of course.  However, I think one of the -vmdebug options
would probably list it though.  (Build with --enable-debug, and run
'kaffe -vmdebug list' to get a list of verbose printf-debugging


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann at
		Your research fills a much needed gap.

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